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Thread: 2009 NBA Finals predictions

  1. #11
    Odom, farmar, shannon brown, walton, the machine vs joe smith, ben wallace, wally, boobie gibson

    id give the edge to the Lakers

  2. #12
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Farmar & Walton have been trash. Odom is hurt. And you want to count on Shannon Brown in the NBA Playoffs?

    How important is youth for guys playing 10 minutes off the bench? I'll take experience.
    Find a new slant.

  3. #13
    Walton has been trash but ever since the fisher suspension Farmar has played pretty well. yeah it hasn't been a while, but hes been useful atleast.

    look at the cavs bench though. Wally has one good game in the playoffs, boobie and sasha have done shit. to me, the only back up the cavs have is Joe Smith.

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