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Thread: Ben Roesthlisberger legal trouble

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Ben Roesthlisberger legal trouble

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  2. #2
    That link is not about Ben Wallace.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Complaint gets very specific regarding interaction between McNulty, Roethlisberger

    Posted by Mike Florio on July 21, 2009 10:46 AM ET

    We've finally obtained a full and complete and reliable copy of the complaint filed against Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger in Nevada.

    The complaint contains very specific allegations, which either helps prove that the event actually occurred -- or which demonstrates that the plaintiff, Andrea McNulty, has a very active imagination.

    McNulty, who says in the complaint that she has worked at Harrah's since March 2003, alleges that she was assigned to serve a concierge-style function on the Penthouse floor of the hotel during the 2008 American Century Celebrity Golf Championship.

    McNulty alleges that, on July 10, she and Roethlisberger had a conversation about fly fishing, and that they talked about the fact that McNulty is an avid fly fisherman. (Though, on the surface, the exchange isn't relevant, the contention -- if true -- shows that there was at least a minor relationship between McNulty and Roethlisberger prior to the incident.)

    As to the incident itself, it allegedly occurred on Friday, July 11. McNulty claims that, at approximately 10:00 p.m. local time, Roethlisberger returned to his room with a young woman, who left roughly 20 minutes later.

    McNulty says that Roethlisberger walked the woman to the elevator, and that Roethlisberger then stopped to talk to McNulty and other staff, for roughly 20 minutes. (Obviously, it'll be critical to determine who these other staff members are, and what they have to say.)

    As he was leaving, Roethlisberger allegedly told McNulty that the sound system on his television wasn't working. She offered to have someone from engineering fix it, but Roethlisberger said he would call her about it later.

    Roethlisberger allegedly called her a few minutes later, and he said that the television was still broken. She offered to have someone go to the room and fix it. He allegedly asked her to come and "take a quick look" at it.

    McNulty claims that she tried to call a couple of other colleagues to handle the situation, but that she couldn't reach anyone. She alleges that Roethlisberger called again and asked her when she was going to fix the television.

    Citing a direction from management to ensure that Roethlisberger had an enjoyable trip, she decided to try to fix it herself.

    McNulty claims that, when she arrived at the room, he was wearing a T-shirt and athletic shorts. She adds, for no apparent reason other than to show the clarity of her recollection, that the room was a mess.

    Roethlisberger showed her the television that was malfunctioning, located in suite's bedroom. Using the remote, she determined that there was no problem with the television or the sound system.

    She claims that, as she tried to leave the room, Roethlisberger blocked her path, and that he "grabbed [her] and started to kiss her."

    She claims that she was "shocked and stunned that this previously friendly man, that appeared to be a gentleman in her previous contacts with him was suddenly preventing her from leaving, was assaulting and battering her."

    McNulty admits that she didn't try to fight Roethlisberger, citing his size and strength. She claims that she "communicated her objection and lack of consent," and that he nevertheless began "fondling [her] through her dress and between her legs."

    She claims that he pushed her onto the bed, and despite her alleged protests he "pulled her underpants off and proceeded to penetrate her."

    McNulty claims that she told him, "You don't want to do this." She also claims that she said, "Please don't," and that she told him she was not on any type of birth control.

    She claims that he said in response, "Don't worry, I'll pull out," which he ultimately did.

    At that point, he allowed her to get off the bed. McNulty claims that she went to the bathroom, and "tried to pull herself together." When she emerged, she claims that Roethlisberger asked, "There are cameras on this room, aren't there?"

    She responded by saying, "Yes, there are cameras everywhere."

    McNulty alleges that he then seem worried, and that his tone became "stern."

    "If anyone asks you, you fixed my television," he allegedly said. "You fixed my television. Now go!"

    We'll be posting separately the allegations relating to the coworkers at Harrah's, most of which are based on conduct occurring after the alleged assault.

    Again, these are only allegations in a civil complaint. There is, to our knowledge, no criminal complaint or investigation, and Roethlisberger through lawyer David Cornwell has strongly denied the contention.

    Still, if the allegations set forth above are true, and if sufficient evidence can be compiled to prove that, then this thing could get very ugly for Roethlisberger.
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  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Uh oh.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kobe

  6. #6
    Man. I would like to make a joke about "busting a McNutty" but that's not appropriate at this time.

  7. #7
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    It's interesting that ESPN (at least ESPN.com) is ignoring this story.
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  8. #8
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    Source: ESPN issues "do not report" alert on Roethlisberger story

    Posted by Mike Florio on July 21, 2009 1:19 PM ET

    We probably should be glad that ESPN has opted not to acknowledge the sexual assault civil lawsuit filed against Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger. Since their audience won't get any information about the story from ESPN, maybe a nice chunk of their audience will come here for it.

    And maybe they won't go back.

    Though we still don't know precisely why ESPN hasn't acknowledged the existence of the lawsuit, we know a lot more about the "how".

    A media source tells us that, late last night, ESPN issued a "do not report" memo to all of its outlets and reporters. The directive came without explanation. "Even some of the reporters are wondering why," the source said, "but haven't been told."

    The same strategy was employed last year, in response to Jay Glazer's report regarding Brett Favre's alleged efforts to help the Lions beat the Packers.

    As we reported at the time, the memo said the following: "WE HAVE BEEN TOLD BY RELIABLE SOURCES THIS REPORT IS NOT TRUE. We did NOT report it yesterday. Today, the NFL responded to the report, saying even if Favre did this he did not break any league rules. We are NOT reporting it today, because that would mean airing the erroneous report. DO NOT REPORT IT."

    This time around, ESPN can't claim that the report of a civil suit alleging sexual assault isn't true. Clearly, it is; Roethlisberger has hired attorney David Cornwell, who has denied the allegations in a statement initially sent to us, and then sent to other media outlets. And we've seen, and reported on, the contents of the complaint.

    So in the absence of a legitimate reason from ESPN, we assume that there's some other agenda at play here.

    If nothing else, it gives Don Ohlmeyer plenty of fodder for his initial ombudsman column.
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  9. #9
    UxKa's Avatar
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    That's a load of crap if I ever heard it. It's one thing if they were fooling around, she said 'no' but he kept going (still wrong of course)... but she makes it out like it was a premeditated rape. I really don't see him doing something like that.

  10. #10
    Guy nearly killed himself on a motorcycle because he isn't smart, at all. I don't see why he wouldn't be dumb enough to not know he wasn't allowed to fuck anyone he wanted.

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