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Thread: Man v. Nature IV: Boa by a knockout

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  1. #1

    Man v. Nature IV: Boa by a knockout

    It's been a good year for these stories. First the croc hunter goes down v stingray. Same result in man v stingray II. Naked crackhead survives but loses by decision to the croc. Now there's this...

    Man killed by his boa

    CINCINNATI -- A 13-foot boa constrictor wrapped itself around its owner's neck and killed the man in his home, authorities said Sunday.

    An acquaintance found Ted Dres, 48, inside the snake's cage Saturday and called police, the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office said.

    The snake was still strangling Dres when deputies arrived, and the officers had to work with members of an animal protection group to remove the reptile, the Sheriff's Office said.

  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    That's kinda sad and funny at the same time.
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    UxKa's Avatar
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    I saw something on TV with a similar story a few weeks back, but it was even sadder than this. It went something like...

    A guy was hanging out with a couple females. He decided to (theres no right way to word this) show them his big snake. Then the snake wrapped itself around his neck. After a few seconds he fell to the floor, fighting with the snake. (Here is why it is more sad) The girls called 911, but at no point in time tried to help get the snake off of him!! He was dead by the time police arrived, and the girls were still just standing across the room from him.

    Damn, at least try to help a guy out. Whatever show it was on they played the 911 tape and everything and they were freaking out, but not helping.

  4. #4
    CINCINNATI -- A 13-foot boa constrictor wrapped itself around its owner's neck and killed the man in his home, authorities said Sunday.

    An acquaintance found Ted Dres, 48, inside the snake's cage Saturday and called police, the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office said.

    The snake was still strangling Dres when deputies arrived, and the officers had to work with Ginsu knives remove the reptile, the Sheriff's Office said.
    Th animal kills a man.... BUTCHER IT!!!!!!

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