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Thread: "New" Black Panthers.

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Enjoying my new sig, and av. Waiting for coming fight with wrath.

    "New" Black Panthers.

    Okay, just got done watching Fox News, and thier reporting on the Duke/Rape scandle case, and I was just apalled at the "New" Black panthers, and what they had to say.

    Maybe they didn't get the memo, but it's 2006, and the kind of shit they were spewing is just a tad out of place.

    The two guys on Fox, just tore them up, making them look really ignorant,and not understanding of the circumstances.

    Anyone else catch this travesty? They declared the white guys guilty becuase, well, they are white, didnt know ANYTHING about the case, and were NOT EVEN INVITED. They just showed up, and are creating havoc.

    The one dude asked the black panther guy if they were armed, and, in his infinite wisdom retorted;

    "Thats for me to know, and for you to find out".

    Am I in a time-warp or something?

    PLEASE tell me someone else saw this trash.

  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Having extremists on as guests helps Fox "News" fulfill the "Fair and Balanced" portion of thier manifesto.

    I can hear them now after the interview: "You see how these liberals think?"
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    count me in

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    Having extremists on as guests helps Fox "News" fulfill the "Fair and Balanced" portion of thier manifesto.

    I can hear them now after the interview: "You see how these liberals think?"

    It is funny how the person representing the "opposing viewpoint" on fox is always a straw man soaked in gasoline.

  5. #5
    Saw this, too, and thought it pretty amusing. I understand that inequities still remain in society, but some people pretend it's still 1960. Speaking of 'straw men'.

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