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Thread: Has This site lost its touch?

  1. #1

    Has This site lost its touch?

    I remember the first few days of the realgm migration to wtfdetroit.com.

    Every member of this site was tight knit and close. Wtdfdetroit.com was awesome, lots of fun, couldn't get enough.

    More and more posters came, and I saw it become more and more like realgm. (still nothing as bad)

    Then the site crashed and we all kind of fell apart, now I wonder if its as fun anymore.

    I'm not saying the site sucks, or anything close to it. But I guess what I'm saying is it just isn't what it used to be. it seems as though there are a ton of arguments and fights within our group, and I just don't see this being as fun. Are there ways we can improve this, and I hope I'm not the only one who doesn't seem to enjoy this as much.


  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Mr. Crotty,

    Just to clarify, you are basing this on a week? A week where probably half of our regular users are still away from their computers for the holidays?

    Also, do you draw a distinction between debate and argument?

    We always welcome feedback threads like this, so by all means, let the conversation commence...

    (p.s. check your PMs, thin ice)
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    Who is arguing? If it's me, you need to realize that everything I say is horseshit, and proceed from there.

  4. #4
    Debate, argument, as long as the MSU and UM people hate each other, everything is alright in this world.

    What is a budkow.....isnt that something I shit out of?

  5. #5

  6. #6
    I have no idea what this thread is talking about.

    I must have missed the fights between posters while I was spending all my time on the NBA forum.

    If anyone disagrees with what you post then so be it. Who gives a fuck? It's not the end of the world if someone disagrees with you.

    And if someone does disagree with your opinion why not try to back up your POV with better evidence?

    BTW, I find it fucking hilarious that people are worried about posters fighting with each other when (last night) the Terrordome consisted of exactly one thread:

    Attack the Poster Above You
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  7. #7
    Super Cogent Jethro34's Avatar
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    I'm not seeing the arguments that are keeping this group from being tight. My best friend and I fight constantly about different things, and that's fine. There are certain types of fighting that are bad, but for the most part it's passionate people. That same passion is what makes this site amazing.
    We had subs. It was crazy.

  8. #8
    If we only agreed on every subject wouldn't it get fucking boring?

    I hate when message boards have a "collective mind" I hated it at RGM too.

    Just because the majority think one way does not mean anyone that disagrees is wrong.

    If they can provide evidence to support their opinion and back-up their claims I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

    If people just throw up their hands and get all pissy I will go fucking nuts.

    You have every right to state your opinion about anything. But if you can't support your opinion with evidence then you're a fucking fool.

    You have the right to free speech. You do not have the right to be taken seriously. You have to earn it
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  9. #9
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pharoah
    If anyone disagrees with what you post then so be it. Who gives a fuck? It's not the end of the world if someone disagrees with you.
    very good point. since when has this been personal?..and why do people feel a need to feel like their word is the bond that holds everything together?

    if we all agreed, this board would get a lil too dull with homerism rising to horrifically high percentages
    Stalked by a Mod who gives 1 percent credence.

  10. #10
    I'm not talking about just this week guys, I'm definently talking about even before the 1st site went down, it just was starting to go a little downhill... that is only in my opinion and I wanted to hear all of yours.

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