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Thread: More race baiting from Libs...

  1. #1
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    More race baiting from Libs...

    But then again, it always is.

    "Put Y'all back in Chains"


    Yet libs are silent...silent hell, y'all support that fucktard of a VP.
    Players meeting my ASS!

  2. #2
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    There's plenty of race baiting in both parties. Shit... around here, we just had a black Dem congressman (Hansen Clarke) attacked by other black Dems in a primary because he wasn't black enough. And it's perfectly accepted for both sides to bash Asians every so often.

    The question is -- do you think Biden said something that was essentially true? Do you think that Romney unchaining Wall Street will fuck you? That was what he was trying to say if you listen to the context. Was it conscious race baiting, or was it the same Joe Biden who shoots off his mouth every so often and has done so with racist tones about his own "clean and bright and articulate" President?

  3. #3
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Just fibbing, you guys!
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Mxy View Post
    There's plenty of race baiting in both parties. Shit... around here, we just had a black Dem congressman (Hansen Clarke) attacked by other black Dems in a primary because he wasn't black enough. And it's perfectly accepted for both sides to bash Asians every so often.

    The question is -- do you think Biden said something that was essentially true? Do you think that Romney unchaining Wall Street will fuck you? That was what he was trying to say if you listen to the context. Was it conscious race baiting, or was it the same Joe Biden who shoots off his mouth every so often and has done so with racist tones about his own "clean and bright and articulate" President?
    Mxy Mxy Mxy...we're talking about the VP of the US. And its the hypocriscy on the left that is so dispicable. They ridicule the most innocuous comments by anyone who isn't in Odipshits camp and then does shit like this.
    Players meeting my ASS!

  4. #4
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    I seriously just laughed out loud remembering that Libs called Romney a racist for calling out the comments....Seriously, libs have went off the deep end with trying to get votes and coninue to demonize anyone who isn't kissing Odipshits ass.
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  5. #5
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    Tahoe, for the most part I don't disagree with you. But I think there's some other stuff to think about:

    Past VeePees had racism issues. Cheney was "racist" for favoring white leaders over Mandela. Gore was "racist" for his attacks on black music via the PMRC. Quayle said "Unfortunately, the people of Louisiana are not racists". Bush had Willie Horton. etc.

    Should the highest executives in the land be racist? No. But it's going to happen almost inevitably. There's reasonable science out there that says racism is hard-wired in the human brain, just like it is in some parts of the animal kingdom:


    So some amount of racist shit is going to happen. It's how you deal with that reality that defines you. Do you exploit racial fears for long-term political gain (like the Republican Southern strategy that's shaped racial politics since the 60s, or Coleman Young antics that shaped Detroit politics since the 70s)? Do you shoot off your mouth about racism while being a fucking racist (Jesse Jackson's "Hymietown")? Do you feign hypersensitivy about every hiccup for some "win" in a news cycle? Do you stop treating people like people, and give in to your inner racist?

  6. #6
    Pretty sure that anyone that says we should just let Detroit go bankrupt lacks ethnic concerns.... Romney was breast fed by a Nanny.

  7. #7
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    I'd bet that personally, Romney is about class warfare more than racial warfare. But he's allied with organizations strongly tied to racist behaviors against blacks, starting with the Mormon Church. And it's easy enough to equate the two, and people often do to push some message or other. Most people who get welfare are white, but you wouldn't know it from some of the rhetoric politicians shovel around.

  8. #8
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Just fibbing, you guys!
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Mxy View Post
    Tahoe, for the most part I don't disagree with you. But I think there's some other stuff to think about:

    Past VeePees had racism issues. Cheney was "racist" for favoring white leaders over Mandela. Gore was "racist" for his attacks on black music via the PMRC. Quayle said "Unfortunately, the people of Louisiana are not racists". Bush had Willie Horton. etc.

    Should the highest executives in the land be racist? No. But it's going to happen almost inevitably. There's reasonable science out there that says racism is hard-wired in the human brain, just like it is in some parts of the animal kingdom:


    So some amount of racist shit is going to happen. It's how you deal with that reality that defines you. Do you exploit racial fears for long-term political gain (like the Republican Southern strategy that's shaped racial politics since the 60s, or Coleman Young antics that shaped Detroit politics since the 70s)? Do you shoot off your mouth about racism while being a fucking racist (Jesse Jackson's "Hymietown")? Do you feign hypersensitivy about every hiccup for some "win" in a news cycle? Do you stop treating people like people, and give in to your inner racist?
    Mxy Mxy Mxy...Those examples you gave are not what this topic is about. Its about race baiting by our VP and how the hypocritical left lets is slide cuz the race bating is an attempt to help keep their guy in office.

    Not about Chenney supporting someone in some other country. C'mon man.
    Players meeting my ASS!

  9. #9
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    When you say "More race baiting" that implies other past acts of race baiting, so I take it from there. I think there's been a lot of race baiting, on both sides.

    As far the particular Biden incident -- my take is: It's been well established that Biden has a "Fred Willard politically incorrect" gene in him. Is "back in chains" deliberate race-baiting, or just Joe Biden shooting off at the mouth again? Reasonable peeps could argue eiither way, but I'll go with "shoots off his mouth". There's a reason that Biden has his own LOL thread, where Cheney never did. To me, the interesting thing about Biden is -- his own presidential aspirations were shot almost as they were beginning due to racist remarks. Everyone knew what they were getting when Biden was picked as VP. Is anyone surprised?

  10. #10
    Thinking out loud... Tahoe might be a fun guy to sit around the camp fire with ... drinking... burping... farting... telling BS stories.
    Politics?... not so much.

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