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Thread: Gamefly or online renting

  1. #1

    Gamefly or online renting

    I just got a 360 and I have 2 games. I have a hard time dropping 60 bucks on a new game and I am hardly a master gamer. So I was thinking renting stuff to try it before buying it but my video stores suck. They are great for DVD's but they never have games and when they do I rent something and don't get to play it so. I have seen a lot of gamefly ads lately and was wondering if anyone else had the service or any similar service and if so what are the pros and cons?

  2. #2
    JS, just sign up for a blockbuster account and you can rent games, keep them for like a month and turn them back it for a flat fee. I'm not sure exactly what it costs, but I think MOLA said he does that. Isn't it like 15 bucks a month or something?

    "The Forcier is strong with this one." - Boda.

  3. #3
    For games, my blockbuster gives me 1 week rental, plus another grace week, then the next 2 weeks are $1.33. So a $7.99 rental for 4 weeks is about 10 bucks, and you can usually have your fill of the game in 4 weeks.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by darkobetterthanmelo
    For games, my blockbuster gives me 1 week rental, plus another grace week, then the next 2 weeks are $1.33. So a $7.99 rental for 4 weeks is about 10 bucks, and you can usually have your fill of the game in 4 weeks.
    Not bad at all. Why do I pay 60 bucks to play a game for about a month?

    "The Forcier is strong with this one." - Boda.

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