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Thread: Gasol

  1. #1


    Does Kobe hate him enough for us to pry him loose? Pussy or not he's a premier talent at the 4 or 5. This entails either leading the deal with a S&T of Tay or Kobe admitting he's slowed and taking a page out of Jordan's book, and moving to the 3. Either way, pretend we give the Lakers a choice of Rip/BG/Tay. I'll toss in a resigned JJ to back up the 4 spot and at 3 mil per for 3 years I think the Lakers will make him a fan favorite. If it's Rip, or Tay makes 12 per (bit much) that makes the deal money wise. Otherwise we can toss in Daye for all I care.

    Gasol may be overpaid, but what big man isn't? Now we can run offense through both our bigs who can both rebound, and we get our shot blocker. Really this is a pipe dream, I think we toss in a protected 1st as well, but there is no other way to get a talent like that.

  2. #2
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    If Kobe hates Marc Gasol enough to pry him loose from Memphis...

    Seriously, no way would the Lakers trade with us for Gasol without unprotected 1sts.

  3. #3
    I know it was considered a steal, but they got him for Crit and assorted expirings. Gasol jr. was a nothing toss-in. Unprotected picks get you a lot these days.

  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Rip, Max and our 2011 lottery pick.
    Find a new slant.

  5. #5
    If you can make a trade for him you do it.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    This is a terrible idea. Gasol is going to be 31 in July, we lock ourselves onto his 18+ million/year deal through 2014 when we already have several bad deals on the books. I am a proponent of building long-term. Gasol would be far less effective in this offense, IMO and his value would drop significantly while playing with these assholes.

    I would much, much rather keep our first rounder this year and see what we can make of it.

  8. #8
    Who are we not signing because of his contract in the next three years? That actually seems like a good time to have his contract coming off the books.

  9. #9
    So you advocate picking up monstrous contracts because they might or might not come off at a good time in a few years?

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