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Thread: RACISM discussion (w/o Steve, thank you)

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  1. #1

    RACISM discussion (w/o Steve, thank you)

    Quote Originally Posted by dennymclain
    Quote Originally Posted by Pharaoh
    Why do some white people think that the level of racism in the world today is "not that bad"?

    And can you explain what "not that bad" actually means?

    Because getting shot 10 times "is not that bad" if the guy next to you gets shot 20 times.

    BTW, as a white man I guess I should know all the answers but I guess I took a Black History class the day they taught racism
    I'll be serious on this answer. Replace the words "not that bad" with "less overt", and you've got it.

    Also, a bit of what we call "racism" these days is nothing more than over-sensitive fucks getting all bent over a word or two. People are too quick to pre-judge and blast out at somebody because of a comment, even though their body of work is contradictory to the nature of the comment.

    Still, there's tons of work to be done. I think the internet is really helping many of the kids in areas where the racial slant is high, and teaching comes from a 50 year old who fondly remembers "back in the day, when the world was white and right".

  2. #2
    Sorry, I'm not gonna touch this subject at all.

    It is something that I would actually love to discuss and have it be a serious topic but I think that's unlikely.

    If by some miracle it remained a serious topic someone eventually is gonna get offended.

    I hope it goes well though. It should be an interesting read for many people considering the mix of races we have here.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  3. #3
    Revised title. That should keep it serious.

  4. #4
    lol - I doubt it.

    There are just certain topics that can't be discussed.

    Religion, God, the real GWB, the US foreign policy and race are those topics

    Such is life.

    I am surprised this didn't get more responses though

    Leave it another day or so and if no one cares about this then swat it
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  5. #5
    It's not that no one cares... Like you said though, it's an argument that would have no winners.

    I do laugh when people say "Well, it's not as bad as it used to be" as if that somehow makes everything that does still happen OK
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    I do so love a train wreck.
    Quote Originally Posted by MoTown
    People love train wrecks.

  6. #6
    I agree with Pharoah, I don't talk about religion or racism as I take those issues seriously

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Pharaoh
    Sorry, I'm not gonna touch this subject at all.

    It is something that I would actually love to discuss and have it be a serious topic but I think that's unlikely.

    If by some miracle it remained a serious topic someone eventually is gonna get offended.

    I hope it goes well though. It should be an interesting read for many people considering the mix of races we have here.

  8. #8
    LOL@this thread

    It's gonna be a bunch of people agreeing the subject can't be discussed without it blowing up.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  9. #9
    I'm basking in my own brilliance.

    Could this be the first topical thread EVER with a consensus opinion?

    Look how I'm bringing the WTF family back together.

    And who said we were dysfunctional? [smilie=2thumbsup.g:

  10. #10
    Everyone is racist. You may not say it, but just thinking it makes you racist.

    Ever thought that some black person who has a nice car or SUV is a drug dealer, racism.

    Ever thought that a white guy is acting black and call him a wigger, racism.

    Ever thought a white person who has a bunch of shit is because their parents gave it to them, racism.

    It comes in all shapes and sizes and the funny thing is that people have as much racism towards their own race as they do against other races.

    White people calling other white people white trash or wigger, black people calling other black people nigger.

    It is not any better, it has just taken a different shape. Sure maybe you have more friends who are black or oriental or hispanic, and the world is a better place for it, but it is still out there.

    I am racist, I am not proud of it, but the fact is that when I see a white guy acting black, I think he is a stupid wigger or when I see some nasty bitch and think she is white trash or I see some black guy with gold teeth and I think he is a stupid nigger.

    Most people are equal opportunity racist, just that the media and shit likes to just point it out when it is happening to minorities, but it happens to all races.

    The problem is not the subject of racism, the problem is when one race thinks they have it worse than any other race.

    What is a budkow.....isnt that something I shit out of?

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