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Thread: Nick Fucking Saban

  1. #1
    D's Nuts's Avatar
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    Nick Fucking Saban

    Ok, as much as I hate him, god damn do I love what he is doing. Pretty much anything he touches turns into gold.

    Took MSU from basically nothing to (at the time) 3rd best team in the Big Ten

    Won National Championship at LSU and turned their program around.

    Took a talentless Dolphins team almost to the playoffs. Now he has hired 2 former head coaches as coordinatores; Capers and Mularkey. Capers is known league wide as a defensive mastermind and Mularkey is one of the better offensive minds in the game. I read somewhere that he turned down 2+mil a year to coach for Saban.

    Seriously, this guy is going to get the Dolphins into the Superbowl before we know it. Glad the Lions didnt pursue him.

    Famous Bill Walton quotes:

    "Shaq's arrogance is an insult to people who think."

    Bill: "What, Phoenix? Are they still paying you?"
    Jalen: "Yeah, under the table."
    Bill: "Yeah, just like at Michigan."

    “Oh my, Kobe is really putting on a show out there. He’s making Ray Allen look like a sixth grader!”

  2. #2
    He's a hoser for taking Mularky.

    And they won't sniff a superbowl until they can figure out that you can't win with guys like Jay Fiedler.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Nick Saban wears Sans-A-Belt pants and blow dries his hair.

    Just sayin'
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    D's Nuts's Avatar
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    Applying a rear naked choke.....
    but if he can coach up that shitty ass team to a 9-7 record? they were 2 games away from making the playoffs!!!

    your right, he is a hoser too.

    Famous Bill Walton quotes:

    "Shaq's arrogance is an insult to people who think."

    Bill: "What, Phoenix? Are they still paying you?"
    Jalen: "Yeah, under the table."
    Bill: "Yeah, just like at Michigan."

    “Oh my, Kobe is really putting on a show out there. He’s making Ray Allen look like a sixth grader!”

  5. #5
    Football is a funny sport. You say that Miami was a shitty team but were they?

    I know that they sucked last year but the Ricky Williams fiasco really set them back.

    Weren't they a pretty good team the year before last with virtually the same players they have now.

    I think they were but I'm really too lazy to look right now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    I do so love a train wreck.
    Quote Originally Posted by MoTown
    People love train wrecks.

  6. #6
    Super Cogent Jethro34's Avatar
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    Nice staff and all, but Chris made the ultimate point. They need another QB in the worst way. Yeah, yeah, Trent Dilfer has a ring blah blah blah.
    We had subs. It was crazy.

  7. #7
    Gus was pretty good last year.

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