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Thread: XBox 360

  1. #11
    I needed to bump this back to the top and tell you guys about my experience on the 360 today. To let you know up front, this is by no means me bragging or boasting, because everything mentioned in this thread I received from insurance due to a house fire. (Thanks Allstate! :thumbright: ) I just want to tell you all of the amazing things the 360 is capable of.

    I sat down today and decided to play my Xbox 360 for the first time in a while and I heard you can plug your iPod into it, so I thought I'd try it out. So I plug in my iPod into the USB port on the 360 and fire it up. It turns on and I log onto Xbox Live for some Project Gotham Racing 3 action. They have a mode on there called "Online Career" where you take all of your cars and winnings you've earned offline and race against people across the country with their cars. So I'm racing online with my Lamborghini :iroc: on Xbox 360 in HD, on my 55" HDTV, with wireless controller in hand, listening to "Patiently Waiting" by 50 Cent and Eminem on my iPod as I race! :headbang: DOES VIDEO GAMING GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT? I don't think so!

    Another thing that was cool was if you get a high enough reputation on the game, your races will be shown on "Gotham TV" under the "Gotham Heroes" heading. I decided to check out the #2 ranked racer in the world. So the race begins and I'm able to watch his race, switch the camera from one that rotates around his car, to inside his car, look left and right, as well as follow other cars in the race. I decided to go with the rotating cam for a while, and then I went into the inside the car view and I could see every detail on the dashboard of his Ferrari! It may sound a little wierd, but I thought it was freaking amazing! :toothy8:

    Xbox 360 is the best video game system ever created! :director: If you get a chance, you have to get one! You'll be blown away!

    "The Forcier is strong with this one." - Boda.

  2. #12
    I will wait until the price comes down and see how the PS3 stacks up.

    What is a budkow.....isnt that something I shit out of?

  3. #13
    Yeah, I've had my 360 for a little over a week now. The system is hot! If anyone has the 360, and wants to play me in a game of NBA2k6 hit me up. My gamer tag is DOPEYthePOPE. Also, me and a few of my friends are going to be playing in an online league, so if you want in just message me.

  4. #14
    NFZ, I've got 2K6. My user name is (surprisingly) Moodini31. We should hook up a game. Holla at me.

    "The Forcier is strong with this one." - Boda.

  5. #15
    Cool Moodini. I just sent you a friend request. Of course when we play you are going to have to be somebody other than the Pistons because, well, thats my team. LOL

  6. #16
    I want a 360. Can I... emm.. borrow anyone's?

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