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Thread: Lindsay Lohan admits drug use and bulimia

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Lindsay Lohan admits drug use and bulimia

    I am shocked and appalled that young Hollywood starlets are using drugs and have eating disorders. SHOCKING!!


    Lindsay Cuts to the Chase
    Wed Jan 04, 3:39 PM ET

    Lindsay Lohan got a little more personal in a recent magazine interview.

    In a tell-all interview in the latest issue of Vanity Fair, on newsstands Wednesday, the Mean Girls star confesses that she experimented with drugs and struggled with bulimia, the latter to blame for whittling her body down to a skeletal figure that even she found "disgusting."

    "I was sick," Lohan said in the interview. "I had people sit me down and say, 'You're going to die if you don't take care of yourself.'"

    Lohan, who was hospitalized Monday in Miami after suffering a severe asthma attack, also admitted dabbling in drugs, but claimed to have "gotten that out of my system."

    When questioned further on her drug use, the actress reportedly became flustered and denied ever having tried cocaine. "I don't want people to think that I've done...you know what I mean? It's kind of a sore subject," Lohan said.

    (According to Vanity Fair, Lohan's rep contacted the magazine shortly after the interview in an effort to spike the references to drugs.)

    Lohan's admission of her personal issues comes on the heels of a drama-packed year that included a messy divorce battle between her parents, her father's numerous run-ins with the law and subsequent jailing and several driving-related mishaps on her own part.

    Just over a year ago, Lohan was hospitalized and treated for extreme stress and exhaustion. Shortly after she was released, she split from her first serious boyfriend, Wilmer Valderrama, and her curvy figure began to noticeably diminish in size.

    In the Vanity Fair interview, Lohan claimed her relationship ended because she smothered Valderrama until he was basically forced to break up with her, "because I didn't have anyone [else] to go to" with problems.

    As for her weight loss, the actress has repeatedly denied in past interviews that she was in the grips of an eating disorder and attributed her extra-slim figure to exercise and diet.

    However, Lohan confirmed to Vanity Fair that as recently as May, she was making herself vomit in order to keep her weight down.

    "I was making myself sick," the actress said,

    The teen queen credited Lorne Michaels for bringing her to the point where she realized was losing control. After Lohan appeared on Saturday Night Live, Michaels staged an intervention, forcing her to take stock of who she had become.

    "I just started bawling. I knew I had a problem, and I couldn't admit it," Lohan said.

    "I saw that SNL after I did it. My arms were disgusting. I had no arms."

    After her Saturday Night Live wakeup call, Lohan got the final push she needed to get her life back on track when an paparazzi picture of her emaciated body clad in a "great whore's dress" appeared in a tabloid.

    "I looked at it and was like, 'Jesus Christ,'" the actress said. "My sister, she was scared. My brother called me, crying."

    While she's no longer the curvy teen whose figure launched a thousand boob implant rumors, the party-loving star seems to be on the road to recovery.

    Lohan rang in 2006 by hosting a New Year's Eve bash at Miami's Prive Nightclub, where she told E! News that her New Year's resolutions included: "do[ing] more charity work" and "tak[ing] more time with my family."

    "I'll think of more," Lohan said. "I give myself seven New Year's resolutions, because that's my lucky number."

    Perhaps one of the actress' resolutions should be: "Stay healthy."

    In two weeks, she is due to begin shooting her latest project, Chapter 27, an indie film centering on Mark David Chapman, John Lennon's assassin.

    Lohan plays a fan who befriends Chapman before Lennon's slaying, while her oft-rumored beau, Jared Leto, plays the killer.

    Of reports linking her to Leto, Lohan told Vanity Fair, "We're great friends."
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  2. #2

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    These media fame whores do this type of thing because it keeps them being talked about and thinks it gives them certain edge and real world "cred". She probably became bulimic and snorted a line thinking of how this would be played in the media once she recovered. If they didn't have self inflicted problems, they wouldn't have any at all...

  3. #3
    Is there anything less interesting than a psychotic actress bawling about her "problems".

    Try living on the street with two kids, pushing your worldly belonging around in a shopping cart, and dissolving what little pride you have left by begging for money you fucking slut!!!!!

    Go do what you do best and suck some fucking cock, you goddamn whore, and leave your self-imposed drama for the lapdance loving shrink.

  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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  5. #5
    No pictures? Whats the point?

  6. #6
    Glenn's Avatar
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    she's strung out and uber skinny

    you really need to see that?
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  7. #7
    I'd still fuck her.

  8. #8
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Alright, here you go...

    Find a new slant.

  9. #9
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    Alright, here you go...

    :laughing3: Great work Glenn. Hilarious.

    "The Forcier is strong with this one." - Boda.

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