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Thread: What could we get for Monroe?

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    What could we get for Monroe?

    Let's just say Joe decides to push the chips all in. Lump him with someone else, what kind of impact guy could we get? Rondo? Deng? Love? Aldridge?
    Find a new slant.

  2. #2
    Super Cogent Jethro34's Avatar
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    I may get shot here, but is Aldridge that much better than Monroe? He's a slightly more potent scorer, but he's 4 years older and has some injury history. I'm all for moving good players to get others that might improve the team, but I'm not sure that's so much of an upgrade that it's a move to make.
    Deng interests me because he's a real SF and Smith could then be the PF. Love interests me because he's the best rebounder in the game and has scoring ability, and then Rondo is the best creator in the game. But Aldridge, I think we may already have that only younger and cheaper.
    We had subs. It was crazy.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I shouldn't have poisoned the pot by offering names.

    What would you want for him?
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    Monroe didn't step his game up at all last year, and the idea that he'd up his rebounds playing with guys who don't suck is a long shot too. The idea that he'd get a franchise player in return is wishful thinking.

  5. #5
    Langlois Insider Vinny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koolaid View Post
    Monroe didn't step his game up at all last year, and the idea that he'd up his rebounds playing with guys who don't suck is a long shot too. The idea that he'd get a franchise player in return is wishful thinking.
    Unfortunately I somewhat agree....the fact that all of us seem willing to include him in all our 'fake' deals might be kind of telling and other GMs see the same things we do. On the other hand, we might be undervaluing him since we have so much depth up front now.

    I'm reppin' Jesus Christ and Conservative views....

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  6. #6
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    What makes Monroe better than Millsap?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Mxy View Post
    What makes Monroe better than Millsap?
    1. One has legit size (6'11") while the other is listed at 6'8" but that's stretching as he measured 6'6.25 at the draft combine without shoes. This size advantage means he can be a legitimate on-ball defender of opposing bigs as neither are great athletes and will struggle on help-defense. The shorter one has primarily come off the bench and played limited minutes because he is a semi-defensive liability.

    2. One is 23 the other is 28. The one that is 28 is as good as he's going to get. The one that is 23 has the potential to improve.

    3. Monroe is a better defensive rebounder which is a very underrated skill and a good compliment to a person like Drummond who is much better on the offensive glass. Monroe averaged near 7 def rebounds a game last year. with a better per 36. Millsap averaged less than 5.

    4. Both are very good at playing the high post. Millsap is the better mid-range shooter but I am confident that monroe can develop that part of his game since he is so comfortable playing the high post.

    5. One area where monroe did improve on last year was his apg and apg per 36. I find this to be a positive trend especially as he develops a midrange shot thus forcing opposing defenses to give him attention away from the basket. Monroe is a much better passer than millsap and is a guy you can have facilitate a play on occasion. Millsap is not this type of a player. He really is just a high percentage player that won't hurt you but also won't ever be a guy that takes over a game. He also gets exposed defensively in big minutes.

    Final: Most if not all GMs would currently take monroe over millsap right now on a NBA roster. I also contend that it is imperative that the pistons keep monroe on the club and have 3 solid NBA bigs, which with the addition of smith they have, as I wonder if drummond is capable of being a 35 minutes a night big as he is still very young and raw and still has conditioning/focus issues (he is the youngest player currently playing in the orlando summer league). Let's not throw drummond to the wolves just yet.

    I also think that monroe has the potential to improve. If he can get his midrange jumpshot to be a consistent threat he will be a weapon on offense with his ability to pass the rock. Let's give him another season before we toss him away.

  8. #8
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    FWIW, Millsap's started for the past 3 seasons, and that's with a glut of other bigs that Utah tends to have. I suspect if you swapped Millsap for Monroe's situation that the rebounding would be comparable.

    If we had been thinking of trading Monroe, I'd rather have paid Millsap $10 million/year for 2 years rather than $14 million for 3 years like Al Jefferson. That's what prompted my post.

    I agree, Monroe is a better passer and a somewhat better player. It's just not by a lot. Monroe's value above and beyond Millsap's is largely as-yet-unactualized potential, the fact that he's a more natural PF. But he's not performed at a level significantly above Millsap thus far and he might never do so. He may have plateaued. If he has, he's not worth THE max, and I'm afraid that's what he'll command after the Josh Smith overpayment.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Mxy View Post
    FWIW, Millsap's started for the past 3 seasons, and that's with a glut of other bigs that Utah tends to have. I suspect if you swapped Millsap for Monroe's situation that the rebounding would be comparable.

    If we had been thinking of trading Monroe, I'd rather have paid Millsap $10 million/year for 2 years rather than $14 million for 3 years like Al Jefferson. That's what prompted my post.

    I agree, Monroe is a better passer and a somewhat better player. It's just not by a lot. Monroe's value above and beyond Millsap's is largely as-yet-unactualized potential, the fact that he's a more natural PF. But he's not performed at a level significantly above Millsap thus far and he might never do so. He may have plateaued. If he has, he's not worth THE max, and I'm afraid that's what he'll command after the Josh Smith overpayment.
    I agree with everything you say and yes, monroe may have plateaued as a player as he doesn't have the physical skills to get any better. It's all about him developing actual basketball skills at this point since he isn't going to out-athlete anyone. I am also very wary of tossing anything close to a max contract his way. Still, he is only 23 and has the right to improve especially as the pistons begin to add more talent to roster (he will no longer be to focal point of opposing defenses).

    If he ever wants to become an all-star and if he really wants to secure a future with the pistons and on a winning team he needs to learn how to hit a 15-foot jumper. If the pistons don't see glimpses of this next season then it is time to part ways. It's really as simple as this.

  10. #10
    I could see a trade between Detroit and New Orleans.

    Eric Gordon
    Ryan Anderson


    Greg Monroe
    Charlie Villanueva
    Rodney Stuckey
    Kyle Singler


    I could see it being a good move for both teams.

    Pelicans become:
    Evans/ Morrow/ Rivers
    Davis/ Smith

    Pistons become:
    Drummond/ Mitchell

    To me both teams seem way more balanced and talented after that deal.

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