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Thread: Pistons/Gortat

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Copied Joe's post over from the Kwame thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Asberry
    Kwame + Chucky for Gortat, basically its a salary dump for Orlando, maybe we add a 2nd round pick...if you think Gortat can be a good starting center it might be worth it
    Mike (Fruitport, Mich.): What do you think about trading Maxiell and Daye (or Wilcox, perhaps, or a draft pick) for Marcin Gortat? Gortat’s contract is long but not that big money-wise. Maybe Detroit could get him without losing Rip or Prince. Also, what is Detroit still paying in previous coaching salaries and would that limit our trade flexibility?

    Langlois: The only ex-coach still obligated money is Michael Curry but, no, that has zero bearing on trades. As for Gortat, everybody in the NBA believes Orlando is waiting for the right time and offer to trade him because they simply do not have the playing time to offer him behind Dwight Howard to justify a full mid-level contract. Dallas was shocked when the Magic, after already signing ex-Mavs forward Brandon Bass as an unrestricted free agent, turned around and matched the Mavs’ MLE offer to Gortat, a restricted free agent. Orlando is probably the NBA’s deepest team right now. The Magic have a little of everything. I think Orlando would be most interested in Rodney Stuckey, Ben Gordon and Will Bynum for their ability to create off the dribble. But none of them really fit. Gordon – whose 3-point ability really meshes with Orlando’s makeup – makes too much and the Pistons wouldn’t give him up for Gortat. Stuckey doesn’t make enough – and the Pistons wouldn’t give him up for Gortat. Bynum really doesn’t make enough – and I’m not sure the Pistons would give him up, anyway.
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  2. #2
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    Jon (Santa Cruz, Calif.): Marcin Gortat has expressed that he wants a bigger role than he has in Orlando. Any way the Pistons look into a trade for Gortat? He seems like he would fit with Villanueva at power forward and this would almost complete our young core.

    Langlois: Gortat is coming close to cracking our first team of “Why don’t the Pistons trade for …” players. I’d put Chris Bosh, Amare Stoudemire, Carlos Boozer, Chris Kaman and Emeka Okafor on that team, Okafor recently having replaced Tyson Chandler. As with all trade proposals, you have to ask yourself this: What makes sense for Orlando? We answered a similar question last week, and my conclusion was this: The Pistons don’t really have a match. If I’m Orlando, looking at the Pistons roster, I’d say Villanueva would fit the style, but they already have two perimeter-shooting power forwards in Rashard Lewis and Ryan Anderson. I’m sure they’d love Will Bynum to pair with Jameer Nelson at point guard, but Bynum doesn’t make nearly enough to match Gortat’s salary. I’m sure they’d jump at the chance to obtain Stuckey, but the salaries, again, aren’t a match, and the Pistons wouldn’t deal Stuckey (and quite possibly not Bynum, either) for Gortat. Maybe a combination of Kwame Brown’s expiring deal, Brown replacing Gortat as Howard’s backup, and one of the rookies. Austin Daye would be a really nice fit, but, again, do the Magic really have room for another 6-foot-11 shooter? And would the Pistons do that deal? I don’t know. They’d have to really like Gortat, who so far has proven he can be a very capable 15-minute performer, but has had precious little opportunity to prove he can do it for 30 or 35 minutes a night.
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  3. #3
    Why would you even talk about Stuckey or Gordon in a trade for a backup center?

  4. #4
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    He's only a backup center because he's on the same team as Dwight Howard.
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  5. #5
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    Gortat is a BYC player until July, fwiw.
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  6. #6
    Yeah, maybe.

    Then again, you would think that teams playing SFs at the 4 would be able to find a way to get more than one big man on the floor at the same time. Especially teams who's offensive philosophy is to chuck it from the arc as much as possible and hope for offensive rebounds.

  7. #7
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    There's something weird going on there. Not saying it's not smart, but we'll have to see how it pans out. Giving that kind of $ to not only Gortat but Brandon Bass as well, and then not playing either of them very much suggests that they were possibly just collecting available assets from the free agent market just to move them later for better fitting pieces in trades.

    I like that strategy if that is indeed what they are doing.
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  8. #8
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    Just read a rumor/speculation about Gortat to Portland for Bayless.

    That makes some sense.
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  9. #9
    Joe Asberry's Avatar
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    Gordon, Villa, RIP,Stuckey-who needs defense anyway?
    Bynum + Kwame for Gortat works too, would you give up Bynum for Gortat? i dunno...

  10. #10
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    As much as I like Bynum, I think I would, especially if they as committed to Stuckey as it seems.

    You would need to get a PG before even thinking about contending, though.
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