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Thread: Detroit-Washington / Target:Jamison

  1. #1

    Detroit-Washington / Target:Jamison

    Word is they may be looking to dump a deal (you think?). Jamison has a 3 year, 11+ million dollar deal. Rip has a 4 year, 11+ million dollar deal. Jamison doesn't fit the long-term build ideal, but he straightens these fools out. Rebounds, scores down low....makes a lot of sense for us, that's for sure.

    Talent wise and contract wise this favors us, so we could toss in Summers and take on a deal to save them salary and lux tax. Say Foye, who won't play with Rip there. Gotta toss in Chucky to make it under the threshold, but it still saves them a lot of cash.

    Blache has been rebounding well enough to get minutes there, so it solves the disaster they have at the 2 without making another hole.

    Nah, they wouldn't do it. Damn. Daye instead of Chuck? Now we're compromising the future, so no.

  2. #2
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    I'm not sure if we're the fit for them, but there is trouble in DC, so there will be moves made. If you guys haven't read Flip's comments from earlier this week, they're worth looking up. He's just trashing the entire roster.

    I'm on board if we can get jamison, but with the environment in DC right now, whomever we sent there would not only have to play D, but they'd have to get along with/respect Flip, because he's going to need all of the "good generals" he can get. Not sure if we have anyone that meets that criteria at that salary level. Who knows if Tay or Rip could ever work with Flip again or not.
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    I don't recall Prince or Tay having a problem with Flip. I was absent towards the end of his "reign" though.

    Sending them Prince and Kwame for Jamison and a young player or pick might be a good idea. They get shorter contracts and IF Prince was willing to be the "good general" for Flip he'd probably help the locker room a lot.
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