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Thread: How much better is Prince?

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    How much better is Prince?

    Vs. Jerebko?

    Just wondering what you guys think.
    Find a new slant.

  2. #2
    Joe Asberry's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    Gordon, Villa, RIP,Stuckey-who needs defense anyway?
    JJ has made Prince redundant and Gordon has made RIP redundant, we certainly dont need both Prince AND Rip anymore, one has to go and if we can get anything good for Prince when he's healthy, you have to do it...

    JJ has been a great joy to watch, he always give you 110% effort, he's already OK defensivly and gets better on offense too, he already proved he can be our next starting SF for a loooong, long time

    btw: we need a good nickname for Jonas

  3. #3
    Jonas already has a fucking nickname:

    Jonas "The Walls of" Jerebko!

    Or Double J. Or J Double. Or J Squared.

    But, yes - the guy has certainly shown that he is capable of being a starting SF in this league.

    I doubt we'd get much for Prince now anyway so we'd be better off not putting him on the block until he actually has an expiring contract after July 1st, 2010.

    His expiring, plus our 2010 pick could land us a dude in a sign and trade.
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  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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    It does seem like Jerebko gives us almost everything that Prince does (sans experience, and we haven't seen him take his man down into the post very much, but Prince really doesn't do that much anymore, either) at about 10% of the cost.

    He can defend multiple positions, especially big SFs, and do it fairly well. He has good range on his jumper, and he's certainly no less consistent than Tay.
    Find a new slant.

  5. #5
    Let's allow the league some time to get a scouting report on the kid. SF is a scorers spot on most teams, I'm gonna have to see a lot more of him working in an offense vs. being a garbage man before I'm going to presume him to be a starter in the league.

  6. #6
    5th Tier BubblesTheLion's Avatar
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    Balkanized your mom last night.
    Yeah...can we give it a season.
    In the slim chance we make the playoffs, lets see what he does there too.

  7. #7
    slim chance?

    We're 1/2 a game out right now with half our rotation.

  8. #8
    5th Tier BubblesTheLion's Avatar
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    Balkanized your mom last night.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kstat
    slim chance?

    We're 1/2 a game out right now with half our rotation.
    Lower Standards = Higher Rewards!

  9. #9
    I like JJ because he tries like fuck and is only getting better offensviley. Defensivel,y hes capacle of defending and sticking in the lineup!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Hermy
    Let's allow the league some time to get a scouting report on the kid. SF is a scorers spot on most teams, I'm gonna have to see a lot more of him working in an offense vs. being a garbage man before I'm going to presume him to be a starter in the league.
    Thank You for a slice of reality.

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