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Thread: DUHHH!!! No shit Sherlock!

  1. #1
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    DUHHH!!! No shit Sherlock!

    Someone actually released a press release with:


    Conventional economic wisdom, which says that couples in poorer societies actively plan to have large families to compensate for high child mortality, to provide labour, and to care for parents in their old age, is wrong, Professor John Guillebaud will tell a conference on sustainable population today.

    Economists overlook the fact that sexual intercourse is more frequent than the minimum needed for intentional conceptions, and that half of pregnancies worldwide are unplanned. Moreover, demand for contraception increases when it is available, irrespective of a society’s wealth or child survival rates.

  2. #2
    New Study Reveals Bukdow Prefers Rich Mahogany

    A new study released today in Wood Weekly revealed that Bukdow prefers the smell and feel of rich mahogany over all other types and treatments of wood.

  3. #3
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    "half of pregnancies are unplanned"??

    BULLSHIT. I'd say that figure is closer to 75% or more.

    The real reason people have kids is this: Because they got nothing better to do, they think they HAVE to do it, and they are severely misguided because they suffer from serious cultural lag.

    It is a fact that, especially in industrialized and post-industrialized societies, children are a liability. Day care, health care, culture, the breaking down of the myth of the "nuclear family," burgeoning debt, societal breakdown, and the longer life spans all contribute to the fact that having children is really more of a pain in the ass and not very beneficial to THEM anymore.

    I especially love the myth that children will be there to take care of you when you get old. And what is behind that philosophy? The last fucking thing I would want for my kids is to have them worried about changing my depends or making sure I take my 96 pills everyday just so I can squeeze out a few extra years at the end of my life not knowing who the hell they are and drooling on myself. As for me--I couldn't imagine not hitting the road in my RV and finally enjoying life without having kids to yell at or bail out of trouble, but instead having to babysit their little brats. And oh yeah--in today's world--they'll be able to take care of you--IF there were any more jobs that people could rely on that offer stability, rather than either a constant layoff threat or having to move every three years. I live on a block with a lot of old farts--and they sit in their homes alone day after day after day. Half their kids live 1000 miles away, and, like most people, they and the other half don't get along.

    Other cultures may have that "extended family" thing--generations of families growing up and old together--but Western society is built on the "rugged individual" that leaves the nest to set out on his own and be by and for HIMSELF. And as other cultures become more industrial, more "western"--their old farts will spend their last years getting hip replacements and popping a handful of pills every three hours while trying to remember their own names and having nothing bit puctures of their kids to talk to when they are abandoned. And rightfully so: Kids don't fucking ask to be born, and they shouldn't have to spend their adult lives cleaning up their parents' shit.
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  4. #4
    Langlois Insider Vinny's Avatar
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    I'm reppin' Jesus Christ and Conservative views....

    Quick piece by VINNY which was a logo style of his. VINNY also did two letter throw up's by the name of FI 2.


  5. #5
    The whole "Who's gonna take care of you when your older" Myth is comical to me as well.

    First of all, If I need someone to take care of me when I'm older, I'm gonna have more than enough money to pay someone to do so. (not to mention that my fiancee is 6 years younger than me so that should help as well) : )

    Why? You may ask...

    Because of all the damn money that I'm gonna be saving by not having kids to begin with.

    Today's world is fucked. The last thing I want to do is to

    1.) Make it harder on me.
    2.) Bring someone into this world and force them to deal with all this shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    I do so love a train wreck.
    Quote Originally Posted by MoTown
    People love train wrecks.

  6. #6
    ^ A lot of troof there.

  7. #7
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    Quote Originally Posted by Train Wreck
    The whole "Who's gonna take care of you when your older" Myth is comical to me as well.

    First of all, If I need someone to take care of me when I'm older, I'm gonna have more than enough money to pay someone to do so. (not to mention that my fiancee is 6 years younger than me so that should help as well) : )

    Why? You may ask...

    Because of all the damn money that I'm gonna be saving by not having kids to begin with.

    Today's world is fucked. The last thing I want to do is to

    1.) Make it harder on me.
    2.) Bring someone into this world and force them to deal with all this shit.
    You are wise, young man. Your decision to not have children is a most unselfish one. You will benefit from that FAR FAR MORE than you will ever know, and far far more than the rest of the miserable fucks who have them will, or will concede as to how much they wish they could switch places with you.
    This is no longer a world for children, certainly not our style of having them and hoping it all works out.
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  8. #8
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Post #2 was funny.

    Thanks, Denny.
    Find a new slant.

  9. #9
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Attractive women get fucked more and have more kids -- film at 11!!


  10. #10
    ^ for real though. there's no doubt women are getting hotter and hotter. i feel like a huge creep when i'm checking some chick who i assume to be younger than she looks and i'm STILL off by 5-7 years. well, i guess i am a creep.

    but when a chick looks 25 but you figure she's 18 and she turns out to be 13....then we're all in trouble. this happened to me recently and i've never been more disgusted with myself.

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