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Thread: The Bad Boys got ripped for doing this...wonder if 'King' James will get a pass...?

  1. #1

    The Bad Boys got ripped for doing this...wonder if 'King' James will get a pass...?

    yeah right. of course his majesty can do no wrong and people are already saying they feel sorry for him because he didn't have enough help. boo-fucking hoo!

    here's what james said about walking off the court and not speaking to anyone after the game:

    "It's hard for me to congratulate somebody after you just lose to them," he said. "I'm a winner. It's not being a poor sport or anything like that. If somebody beats you up, you're not going to congratulate them. That doesn't make sense to me. I'm a competitor. That's what I do. It doesn't make sense for me to go over and shake somebody's hand."

    what a cry baby. the fact is, for as great as he played for much of this series, he didn't show up in the biggest game either. sure his numbers looked OK. but he continually shied away from being assertive when his team needed someone to step it up. yeah orlando was focussing on him but he's shown before he can't be stopped. he could've gone to the line if he just took it hard at them enough.

    but instead, his majesty is so used to getting every touch foul by the opponent, that he couldn't tough it up and at least keep his team in the game for a while. cavs were completely torn apart in this game and lebron deserves a good bit of the blame too IMO.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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  4. #4
    the kid is ridiculously talented athletically. i guess i'm just sick of everyone kissing his ass and already saying he's going to be the G.O.A.T.

    he doesn't have NEAR the focus or killer instinct jordan had. and yet he's already surpassed jordan in the minds of so many idiots in the media and fanbase.

    and i guess i'm just sick of his ad campaigns. anyone who tattoos 'the chosen one' across his back needs to be humbled. i hope he never wins a nba championship. not until he comes back down to earth and stops with this whole christlike attitude and 'we are all witnesses' crap. yeah bron, we just witnessed you get your ass kicked, from start to finish, in the only game that mattered all year for your team.

    nice job jackass. stop believing the hype and come back down to earth for a second your majesty, 'king james'! fuckin kids nowadays.....

  5. #5
    UxKa's Avatar
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    He is a douche. Agree with this.

  6. #6
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Just fibbing, you guys!
    Come on man, he's only 24.
    Players meeting my ASS!

  7. #7
    exactly. he's 24 he's a man and should know better. i was always humble in defeat and victory, even at 16. the guy speaks about himself like he's some sort of god. what sort of person calls themself 'the chosen one' even if he doesn't literally mean 'messiah'....he's obviously way into himself.

    i don't care how good he is or how young he is. he's in need of knock back down to earth. i would say that an ACL injury would help take care of his idea that he walks on water and is invincible.....but i wouldn't go so far as to wish harm on him or anyone.

    but i'm just saying....he needs a few servings of humble pie.

  8. #8
    UxKa's Avatar
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    rollin through your neighborhood, middle finger up
    ACL, that's just mean even though you said so yourself. I'm pretty sure he just ate a big piece of humble pie. The thing is, I bet it disagrees with his colon as he passes it rather than accepting it.

  9. #9
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Just fibbing, you guys!
    Quote Originally Posted by Higherwarrior
    exactly. he's 24 he's a man and should know better. i was always humble in defeat and victory, even at 16. the guy speaks about himself like he's some sort of god. what sort of person calls themself 'the chosen one' even if he doesn't literally mean 'messiah'....he's obviously way into himself.

    i don't care how good he is or how young he is. he's in need of knock back down to earth. i would say that an ACL injury would help take care of his idea that he walks on water and is invincible.....but i wouldn't go so far as to wish harm on him or anyone.

    but i'm just saying....he needs a few servings of humble pie.
    Come on man. He's 24.
    Players meeting my ASS!

  10. #10
    He's 24 and what? Is that an excuse for him acting like a brat?

    At age 24 Michael Jordan knew he needed to shut the fuck up and play the damn game. He didn't whine or moan about losing. He picked himself up, dusted himself off and came back the next season with a new weapon. Eventually he earned the respect of his peers but it wasn't handed to him.

    I have more respect for Kobe than Lebron, since he came in as a bench player and needed to work his ass off to improve and win over the vets.

    Lebron? Dude was handed the keys to the Cavs and the league before he even played a game. He was crowned "King" before he had done anything in the NBA! That's insane.

    I'm hoping he suffers some serious playoff losses for a couple of years - just to remind him he's still fucking human and that it's not all about him.

    And should he ever one day win the championship his victory will be that much sweeter for the longer, harder journey IMO.
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