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Thread: I just wanted to say: Fuck all of you! And Merry Christmas!

  1. #1

    I just wanted to say: Fuck all of you! And Merry Christmas!

    Starting with you MoTown:
    Seriously, since I am your brother, it is ok for me to say that you are the fucking smelliest person I have ever met.

    For the love of god, take a god damn shower after you make out with your dogs.

    I seriously hope that when you put up your christmas tree this year, you find out it its one of the talking trees from Lord of the Rings, and I hope that the tree ties you up, and has sex with your wife in front of you everyday. Seriously, that'd be awesome.

    You look like the turds I popped out of my ass this morning. They were small, round, and had a little tint of green in them. Oh, and they definitely smelled like your breath.

    Even though I'm probably transferring to Central, I hate you because you went to Central. I hope you enjoy your degree in chugging Natty Ice and raw-dogging fat bitches.

    From the last time I posted here, I remember you being a huge homo. I hope that every present you open this year is a giant black dildo. You and your mom should have fun with them, I also sent an invite to your grandmother for you, she said she'd gladly come visit in Zombie form.

    If we take the "Ta" out of your name, it would perfectly describe you. Have fun with the crabs I put on your toilet seat this morning. I hope they itch like hell, I've also taken the liberty to buy up all anti-crab shampoo in the Lake Tahoe area so there is none available to you... bitch.

    I just received a message from Tom Izzo, and he said to go fucking hang yourself. He is disgraced to have people like yourself rooting for his team, he wants real fans like Dr. Tre.

    Wilfredo Ledezma:
    Don't you think its weird that you own at least 20 sex toys, and they are all colored maize and blue. You also might want to get help for that microscopic cock of yours. A little Extenze might help you stop getting laughed at by all the hookers you pay to blow you. You also make Sarah Palin look like Einstein you racist son of a bitch.

    Uncle Mxy:
    You don't post at realgm anymore, therefore I no longer respect you. Seriously, Cowology knows absolutely everything, you just refuse to see the truth. And if I see one more fucked up clown avatar from you, I'm going to kill a kitten.

    Stop smoking so much sausage. By the way, Flip Saunders says to stop running through his back yard and "fucking with" or "fucking" his poodle "guard dogs."

    Zip Goshboots:
    Your name is fucking gay. I mean, really gay.

    I heard that Toys R' Us was having a huge sale on children's dolls and toys over the month of December. You better stock up on that shit so you have plenty of toys to give the children you are hitting on. Oh, and you might want to get a different car, trying to pick up 10 year olds after school in that big black van with no windows is a little suspicious to mothers.

    Stop wetting the bed, for gods sake your like 30.

    This name is so much more gay that Zip Goshboots. I almost want to take back what I said to Zip, but he's a flamer anyways. But really, you should have been that load of cum that your mother swallowed... that is all.

    Nobody likes you, go jump off a bridge. Preferably one with no water under it.

    Dr. Ray:
    I don't know you, but I have a friend named Ray who's a douche bag, so in this case, I'm going to assume that everyone named Ray is a douche bag.

    Bubblesthelion: How bout them 0-14 apples? Get used to it.

    Wait a minute, I forgot to insult you so... Fuck you.

    I have no reason to dislike you, but I still do. Go step on a rake.

    You don't post at the other site either, so therefore, Cowology owns you. As does every ballboy at that site. How does it feel to be owned by Nasty Daddy the friendly neighborhood Robot. (I know all of you know what I'm talking about.)

    Your name rhymes with tool, and that is exactly what you are.

    Codename V:
    I don't know you and I hope I never do. Because you look like the type of guy who would stick his dick in the vacuum cleaner on high power while listening to Cher.

    It is a lot easier to pick up girls when you don't wear shirts that say "I LOVE RAINBOWS!" Seriously, just try it. You might actually get a chick under 250.

    Wizzle: I swear to god if I catch you having sex with one more farm animal, I'm going to call Richard Simmons and have him show you how a real animal gets down.

    To the Syndicate: This site blows more than Paris Hilton in Las Vegas.

    And to anyone I missed, Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, I'm cool, Fuck you, and I'm out.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Okay that was hilarious. Welcome back, GotCrotty.

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by DrRay11

    NO U

    And this made the thread THAT MUCH better. LOL as usual, DrRay.

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  5. #5
    UxKa's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    rollin through your neighborhood, middle finger up
    Ray for POY.

    And now.... in your back yard with a bucket o water, just to fuck with your machine gun kitty.

  6. #6
    UxKa's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    rollin through your neighborhood, middle finger up
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    The image above has been resized. Click on it to see the full version.
    Last edited by UxKa; 12-15-2008 at 10:53 PM.

  7. #7
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Holy 8th grade flashbacks.

    You gotta think this is going to hurt MoTown in Denny's WTF Power Rankings.

    Guilt by association.
    Find a new slant.

  8. #8
    You underestimate me.

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  9. #9
    Daviticus 2.39...you're the Eli to MoTown's Peyton. The Gerald to his Dominique. The Frank to his Sylvester, and on and on...

  10. #10
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    The OP shows a complete lack of cognitive ability, social grace, and imagination.
    The name "Zip Goshboots", for your information, was the creation of none other than William Shakespeare (Christopher Marlowe) in his original script of "Romeo and Juliet"--it was titled "Romeo and Zip" However, the leading critic of the day, Sir Snooky Fupdaigle, encouraged The Bard to stay away from a story examining the contentious and controversial (yes, even in 16th century England) topics of ambiguous homosexuality, croquet, murder, and cannibalism underscored by the ever popular theme of interracial relationships (which, as any Shakesperean expert knows, he later explored in his wonderful masterpiece "Waiting for Godot"
    But you wouldn't know that, Daviticus, because you are busy trying to invent the perfect fart machine/pocket pussy, which would probably make you a billionaire in this ever declining society.
    Good day, sir!
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

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