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Thread: If the Pistons don't make the Finals...

  1. #1

    If the Pistons don't make the Finals...

    ...what moves would you make?

    We have been "title contenders" the last 3 years... Losing in the ECF for 3 straight years makes you a choker who can't get it done when it counts. Considering we went to the Finals with a different coach and system, I think it would be very valid to refer to the THESE Pistons as soft chokers if they lost in the ECF for the 3rd straight year. If say Phoenix can't get to the Finals this year, I feel the same way about them, hell in a way I already do.

    (obviously its even worse if we lose before the ECF)

    Anything is fair game, roster changes, coach changes, even GM changes (though why you'd do the latter, I have no idea). I'm gonna give my answer a lil thought before typing.
    Personally, if we lost again before the Finals, I would probably finally give in to the "need a superstar" mentality - particularly someone driven and with intensity or swing a deal for a rebounding shot blocker.

  2. #2
    Flipgone. And I agree that we'd have to shake the Starting Lineup up quite a bit, probably for a "superstar."

  3. #3
    CLEVELAND'S FINEST Zekyl's Avatar
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    You have to remember that Stuckey, Afflalo, and Amir should be able to contribute more next year. Stuckey and Afflalo growing with the game. Amir hopefully starting to live up to his potential.

    Max will take another step, I would hope. Maybe refining his post game some in the offseason, or working on his defense. He's decent at blocking shots, but he needs to work on being able to defend without leaving his feet.

    Samb could move into the role that Amir is in now. Not much playing time, but every few games he'll get some garbage minutes to improve himself until he proves he can be a positive force out there.

    I'd love to say "Get rid of Flip!" but who do you bring in to replace him? What guys are out there right now that would be an improvement. I love the idea of Tom Izzo, but how much better would he be coming straight from the college game?

    Who becomes the backup SF? Do we bring back Hayes? Do we keep Herrmann? Do we go an entirely different route? If so, who? And I don't want to hear anyone saying Max can do it, because he can't. He is not, and never will be, a SF in the pros. Amir MAYBE could learn a bit of SF, but I wouldnt count on it, so those aren't legit possibilities.

    Who becomes the backup C? Do we keep Sheed and Dyess as the starters?

    What trades could we make and what free agents could we target?

    I'll have to think about this a lot before I actually answer any of the questions. I don't even know who next years FAs are.

  4. #4
    im hoping mark cuban wigs out and avery johson becomes available. he would have a ring right now if cuban wasnt so meddlesome. he would be my dream realistic coach.

  5. #5
    Big Swami's Avatar
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    look at this caca water, it's disgusting!
    If the Pistons don't make the Finals...it will completely meet my expectations for this particular team.

    But if you wanted to talk about making moves, I would have to wait and see how things played out to see what caused the postseason collapse. But I believe Flip Saunders would probably go regardless. His coaching lapses have led to the creation of the current team's mindset. It would probably be a good idea to fire him if it was an especially frustrating postseason, just to clear the air and let the players know that management takes winning seriously.

  6. #6
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    Shit in Flip's closet.

  7. #7
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Flip's got what, 1, maybe 2 seasons left on his contract after this year?

    To be honest, that's probably what dictates whether or not he gets fired, even more than performance.

    The old man ain't paying another coach to not coach here.
    Find a new slant.

  8. #8
    lol at your sig glenn.

    and i didnt want to be the one to say it, but i think your on to someting with the $$. penny pincher seems to only let loose of the purse strings when someone personally offends him, which sadly means he'd fire a competent jerk before he would fire flip saunders.

  9. #9
    A coaching change would probably be called for, depending of course on who's available. Someone with a firm whip hand and the backing of management.

    Upgrading the roster is more iffy. Unfortunately as we saw after last season, a playoff collapse makes it that much harder to trade for value. Other teams circle like vultures expecting you to blow up the team and dump players at fire sale prices. Blowing stuff up out of frustration is how you end up like, well, the rest of the east, enjoying a year, maybe two of contention then fading back towards the cellar praying for a good ping pong ball.

  10. #10
    When will Lindsay be ready to coach?

    Rick Adelman had this to say to reporters: “A superstar is supposed to get calls and he doesn’t get the calls. Simple as that.”
    Yeah, lets get a superstar...

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