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Thread: New Hampshire Primary

  1. #1

    New Hampshire Primary

    this one is gonna be good.

    on the blue side, it looks like edwards isnt throwing in the towel just yet. hilarys got to throw the sink at BO though, cuz i think his victory wasnt as surprising as the margin of it. the inevitable candidate's 3rd place finish was a double loss, losing tuesday could be crippling for her campaign.

    on the red side, it looks like this could be one hell of a race, and potentially much more interesting and that the dem's.

  2. #2
    Big Swami's Avatar
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    look at this caca water, it's disgusting!
    There's two kinds of undecided.

    The first kind of undecided happens when the results are all rather tight, but the same candidates always seem to pull it out. The second kind of undecided happens when one candidate wins by a landslide in one place at one time, but a different candidate blows everyone else out of the water somewhere else later.

    The first kind of undecided happens when people are generally happy with their candidates. The second kind happens when people hate the candidates. The second kind happened a lot with the Dems in 2004, but now it seems to be happening to the Republic party in 2008.

    As a typically Dem voter, I am pretty cool with most of the candidates. I like Edwards best, and I'm OK with Obama. I'll hold my nose and vote Hillary if I have to, come Novemer. I will not consider voting for a Republican, not anymore.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by b-diddy
    this one is gonna be good.

    on the blue side, it looks like edwards isnt throwing in the towel just yet. hilarys got to throw the sink at BO though, cuz i think his victory wasnt as surprising as the margin of it. the inevitable candidate's 3rd place finish was a double loss, losing tuesday could be crippling for her campaign.

    on the red side, it looks like this could be one hell of a race, and potentially much more interesting and that the dem's.
    Good, I actually like Edwards quite a bit. I'm pulling for Obama, but Edwards is the only other canidate I like really.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  4. #4
    well, i wouldnt count on him being in the race by 10 pm tuesday. he spent all his money in iowa. right now he's hoping that he has some momentum that will somehow catipult him into a win in NH.

    right now hes beyond a long shot.

  5. #5
    Rasmussen poll: Obama soars to a 10-point lead

    1 minute ago

    A major national pollster says that Hillary Clinton has fallen well behind in New Hampshire after her third-place finish in Iowa, while John McCain now has a five-point lead over Mitt Romney.

    Rasmussen Reports, in a telephone survey of 510 likely Democratic voters on Friday, found 37 percent backing Barack Obama, 27 percent for Clinton, 19 percent for John Edwards and 8 percent for Bill Richardson.

    In Rasmussen's last New Hampshire polling, before Christmas, Clinton led Obama by 3 percent. Romney had a narrow lead over McCain.

    Rasmussen now projects that 40 percent of the Democratic ballots and 32 percent of GOP ballots will be cast by independents, not registered party members.

    This week's survey shows McCain with 31 percent, Romney at 26, Ron Paul rising to third place with 14, Iowa winner Mike Huckabee at 11, Rudy Giuliani 8, Fred Thompson 5, others 2. Three percent are undecided.

    The poll's admitted margin of error is 4.5 percent.

  6. #6
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Just fibbing, you guys!
    He's unstoppable imo
    Players meeting my ASS!

  7. #7
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    I like the quote about the power of the christian vote being indisputable in the republican party.
    No shit, Sherlock, those are the only people DUMB enough to vote republican nowadays. That conservatism is anything BUT a religion, and that they need god because their message is a complete failure IS truly indisputable.
    When all else fails, link your sorry ass to the ruin of the country and going to hell if the people see through your bullshit. I hope Chuck Norris has a patented Movie Vietnam Flashback and dropkicks the entire republican party to death.
    Come on Chuck only YOU can save this country now, right?
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  8. #8
    We've got candidates holding out, here. Guliani is setting his sights on the delegate-heavy states, completely ignoring these first two rounds, while some must wonder if Fred Thompson is either a)hording his money for the Feb 5th push or b)even really cares anymore, and I think Edwards is looking forward to the southern swing (South Carolina, I think).

    Of all the candidates, I think Clinton has the most to lose. If she drops NH, she's certainly not dead in the water, but I'm beginning to wonder if she's the '08 version of Howard Dean, with a little bit of John Kerry bland mixed in for good measure.... after all, she is "so ready" for the challange.

  9. #9
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    I watched part of the debate last night (between commercial breaks, more after Chauncey turned into Mr. Shot and biffed those fucking FTs). I got the distinct impression Edwards was squaring up to be Obama's VP, or at least somewhere in Obama's organization. Edwards and Obama came across a little bit better than Hillary did, because she bit on the bait and kinda lost her cool while they didn't. It was a nice debate format, though. Candidates got to actually speak.

    I hear that Romney got absolutely abused out there, but didn't see it.

  10. #10
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Just fibbing, you guys!
    I think the Republican debate is tonight.

    This is BO's race to lose.
    Players meeting my ASS!

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