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Thread: Tournament of Cool (nominations/history/general discussion)

  1. #1
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez

    Tournament of Cool (nominations/history/general discussion)

    I'm going to lay this out in no uncertain terms: An idea whose time has come. Born of the genius that is Glenn, a Tournament of Cool is looming on the horizon of WTF Detroit. I think this could be really big. It could put WTF Detroit into the upper echelon of intranet message boards. Eliteness is within our grasp.
    We need ideas: Regional ideas, guys that should be in it ideas, how to break them down, and ways to get it going.
    The challeneg is out there. Since Tre is on vacation, we can be sure that no one will nominate Richard Simmons or CarrotTop.
    Put your ideas here: Should we have an "Actors Regional"? An "Athletes Regional"? A "Best Cross Dressing Linebacker Regional"? Let your thoughts be known.
    Guys, we all have a stake in this. Let's Make it a Great Tournament!!
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  2. #2
    I'm thinkin we'll need 4 Regionals

    1) Actors Regional dubbed the "James Dean Regional"
    2) Athletes Regional dubbed the "Ben Johnson Regional"
    3) Musicians Regional dubbed the "ELVIS Costello Regional"
    4) Random Person Regional dubbed the "People of Such Multitasking Talent And Represent The Height of Coolitude Regional" AKA the David Hasselhoff Regional
    Kelly Youngblood: Don't take any shit from them Canucks. To them,
    you're just another wetback, crossing the border to play their game.
    Dean Youngblood: They'll never catch me!
    Kelly Youngblood: Oh, they'll catch you.

  3. #3
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    I like it. What do you think about a "Classics Regional" for guys like Bogey, Cary Grant, Rock Hudson, Boris Karloff, or Bela Lugosi?
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I like the 4 regionals as Sports, Music, TV/Movies and a Misc. (catch-all)

    I would think after the 16 in each regional are seeded that you would post one matchup at a time for a forum poll/vote.

    So the questions that arise from that are:

    1. Do you allow for discussion (presentation of evidence: video/pics/etc) first, before starting the polling, or do you post the thread and start polling immediately?

    2. How long does each poll stay open?

    Also to be discussed is how we identify/set the field of 64.

    Have people post nominations for consideration or just roll with what one person picks (Zip?)

    This whole concept is an exercise in boredom/time wasting/nerdery, but I like it.
    Last edited by Glenn; 09-26-2007 at 11:30 AM.
    Find a new slant.

  5. #5
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    Well, it seems there's some good agreement on the regional set up. I say we have a couple dudes slect twenty five names for each regional, then submit a poll, the top 16 from each get in.
    Then, you put up one or two pics, a youtube if you can find one, and have some discussion and a poll.
    The two are factored (poll and discussion), and the thing goes on.
    Nerdy? Yes. Broing? Never. Time consuming? What the fuck else is there to do? We can wait a bit until the weather turns if you want.
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  6. #6
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Picking the field might be more fun than debating who advances, so we should probably just have an open nomination thread and let the names start flying.

    We can figure out how to pare it down later.
    Find a new slant.

  7. #7
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Because if anybody knows who is cool and who is not, it's message board posters.
    Find a new slant.

  8. #8
    To start this off I'll nominate Paul le Mat
    Cause if anybody can make spending a night cruising with an underage girl cool its him.

    Kelly Youngblood: Don't take any shit from them Canucks. To them,
    you're just another wetback, crossing the border to play their game.
    Dean Youngblood: They'll never catch me!
    Kelly Youngblood: Oh, they'll catch you.

  9. #9
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    Quote Originally Posted by Fraserburn
    To start this off I'll nominate Paul le Mat
    Cause if anybody can make spending a night cruising with an underage girl cool its him.

    The fact that his character was killed in Vietnam only adds to his legend.
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  10. #10
    So can you submit characters or is it the guy who played the character? You need to draw the line here or it could get out of control.

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