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Thread: Trade idea: Detroit and Seattle

  1. #1

    Trade idea: Detroit and Seattle

    Detroit trades Richard Hamilton.
    Detroit receives: Watson and Nick Collison

    Sonices trade: Watson and COllison
    SOnics receive: Rip

    Why for Detroit? We drafted 3 shooting guards who can play different positions, but their main position is at the 2. We are still very weak at the 5 and the 1, depth wise. Trade a young starter who is still in his prime for our needs. For the shooting off screens, off the ball player, we still have Affalo.

    Why for Seattle? They need a shooting guard who can rack up points and play defense.

    Detroit would look like


    Collison is capable of starting if needed.

    The Sonics look a little something like

    Rip Hamilton/Wally

  2. #2
    You just traded our all star shooting guard for 2 guys I hope don't play many minutes for my team.

  3. #3
    Usually people post trades that benefit us more than the other team, this is one on the contrary.

  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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    With Scott Perry in Seattle and with their extra PGs and SFs it's very possible that we end up dealing with the Sonics at some point.

    This is not that deal.
    Find a new slant.

  5. #5

    Maybe we can add some Nazr and they add some Jeff Green and Wilcox...I think the Sonics have the pieces we really need.

  6. #6
    Yes they do, but this deal does not.

  7. #7
    Outside of Rip. no one should really stand out for the Sonics. They have a million young centers. They have Collison and Wilcox who can play the 4,5. Durant would play both forward positions as well. Don't forget Jeff Green plays the 3 as well. Michael at the 3. Shitload of 1's, not a real 2 outside of Wally

  8. #8
    is sign and trade Rashard Lewis a possibility?

  9. #9
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Here's what might be a silly question.

    We all heard how interested Seattle was in Dale Davis last year, so would there be a possibility that we could S&T him to Seattle for one or two of their extra swings or PGs?

    They get the vet big that they desire without adding salary and balance their roster a bit more. We fill a need with a lower cost (and possibly better) player than we could probably sign.

    Just trying to think about different possibilities.
    Last edited by Glenn; 07-02-2007 at 11:07 AM.
    Find a new slant.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    Here's what might be a silly question.

    We all heard how interested Seatlle was in Dale Davis last year, so would there be a possibility that we could S&T him to Seattle for one or two of their extra swings or PGs?

    They get the vet big that they desire without adding salary and balance their roster a bit more. We fill a need with a lower cost (and possibly better) player than we could probably sign.

    Just trying to think about different possibilities.
    With the whole luxury tax thing looming for us I don't see any S&T deals happening for us this year unles it involves Chauncey or dumping Nazr.

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