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Thread: 16 gets you 40

  1. #1

    16 gets you 40

    There's hope for us all.

    Coach, 40, Weds 16-Year-Old Student

    Anguished Parents Sign Consent Forms, Saying They Had No Choice

    Track coach Brenton Wuchae and 16-year-old Windy Hagar wed Monday. (ABC News)
    The Hagers are trying to figure out how life went off track for their teenage daughter, Windy.

    They envisioned that life for the good student and promising athlete would be filled with dreams of the prom and college, but that all changed this week when Windy, 16, married her high school track coach.

    Related Stories"She was a dream kid," said her mother, Betty Hager. "We'd never have to worry about Windy trying to get by with something."

    At South Brunswick High School in North Carolina, Windy's greatest passion was track and field.

    "She just always was outside, always running, and her name's Windy — I guess she was predestined to do love to do that," Betty said.
    But that passion led her down a troubling path.

    Special Attention From Coach

    During Windy's freshman year, her 38-year-old track coach, Brenton Wuchae, began taking a more active interest in her, offering to give the 14-year-old rides home from practice.

    "He just seemed like a genuine guy, like he was there for the kids," said Windy's father, Dennis Hager.

    But the Hagers eventually grew uneasy. Their phone bills showed text messages between Wuchae and Windy as late as 2 a.m.

    They also discovered worrying e-mails. In one, Windy wrote to a friend, "I don't care to look at anyone other than him. He is the apple of my eye, I've never felt this way for someone, but I just don't want to lose him because of my parents' power trips."

    The Hagers confronted Wuchae. "He assured me there was nothing like that going on, [and that] they were just friends. His intentions were purely appropriate," Dennis said.

    Not satisfied with that answer, the Hagers turned to the school district, which spoke to the coach.

    The principal of the high school wrote to the Hagers, "I have seen nothing but a cooperative attitude from the teacher, and to the best of my knowledge, he has not had any contact with Windy since then."

    "School officials can't be responsible for what happens the other hours of the day, and I would think the relationship developed much more outside of school," said Brian Shaw, an attorney for the school district.

  2. #2
    I also dig his threads. The logo is obviously a man with a jackhammer, but if you don't look closely, it looks like something entirely different.

    Ha. Go git her bitch ass.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    He doesn't look weird at all.
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    The plastic marlin in the background is tight.

    Just like Windy's "blank".

  5. #5
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    "Please, take a seat over there"

  6. #6
    Big Swami's Avatar
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    look at this caca water, it's disgusting!
    Mark Foley goes into rehab because apparently he gets so gaysted he starts hitting on high school boys. This guy is a HIGH SCHOOL GYM COACH who POKES ONE OF HIS STUDENTS and he gets a marriage license from the state.

    And Fred Phelps thinks America doesn't hate the homos enough.

  7. #7
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    If he was gonna snag himself a 16 year old, why didn't he get a good looking one?

  8. #8
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    An Upper East Side private school headmistress faces up to 18 years in prison after her conviction for sexually preying on a young male student. After deliberating for six days, a Manhattan Supreme Court jury found Lina Sinha, 40, a respected educator with two master's degrees from Columbia, guilty of two counts of oral sodomy and one count of felony witness bribing, stemming from her attempts to cover up her crimes.

    This is the stuff dreams are made of.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by timbeau0805
    If he was gonna snag himself a 16 year old, why didn't he get a good looking one?
    did the picture load for you? the fact he got a girl was impressive

  10. #10
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    Yep it loaded, unfortunately.

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