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Thread: Are You Planning for Your Future?

  1. #1
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez

    Are You Planning for Your Future?

    Sorry, I don't know how to post an article, can a MOD do it for me?
    Otherwise, check out this article.
    My idead for this thread is for us to discuss what we are doing with regard to overall finances, priorities, and our future.
    We have Mike Myers asking all kinds of important questions, and the thoughts die out. Too bad. Sounds like Myers is trying to do things the right way.
    Let's begin the discussion by limiting it to what a guy should/will/does when he is young, how he starts out.
    I'd like to hear from the younger guys, of course. What kinds of decisions are you making now? Are you on the Eternal Quest for Pussy? Do you think the first thing you have to do as an adult is start a family?
    Or are you getting an education, thinking about finances (like Mr Myers), investing, and credit (traps) options?
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  2. #2
    Well, right now I am an undecided student at a university after originally starting out as an electrical engineering major then deciding engineering wasn't right for me. I'm leaning towards majoring in psychology at this point, but still I'm not quite sure. I am in the meantime trying to conjure up other ways of getting money (legally, of course i.e. writing, producing/making music, etc). The future dominates my mind so much that many times I can ignore the present, and I sometimes wish I wouldn't worry so much about it but hopefully it will be for the better. Anyone wishing to give any insight to a possible career/major choice would be well appreciated. I love doing artistic things and the mind interests me, so that's why at this point I'm leaning towards psych. I don't know what you want in this thread, Zip, but that's where I stand now.
    Last edited by DrRay11; 02-22-2007 at 11:32 AM.

  3. #3
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    That's a great start eray. Right now, I suppose general thoughts and plans. Older guys are welcome too.
    I just want to know how and what you guys are gearing your energy toward.
    And why.
    You say you think about the futre so much it removes you from the present.
    Well, one thing I have learned is the thought process of "Be Here Now". The future is coming, and fast, so prepare for it, but don't you think that what you are doing RIGHT NOW is the more pressing concern?
    Great decision to drop the engineering if it wasn't for you. It's a great field, (My wife is an electrical enginner), but it HAS GOT to be your thing.
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Nice idea for a thread Zip.

    Find a new slant.

  5. #5
    bangpow's Avatar
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    Well, let's see...

    I graduated HS in '95 and didn't fare so well at Central only attending for a year and then I screwed around at OCC for a year and half after that. I have been employed at my current work for almost 10 years now and make enough money to own a house and my insurance for my wife and I is paid by my work.

    However, I went back to school last year to get into web design, but I realized I don't want to just design websites, I want to basically learn more about the backend stuff too. I'm taking a SQL database class this semester and I think I'm going to do both the database program and the web programming program so I can open up my options. As of right now, if I were to lose my job for some reason, I would be screwed, there's no way I could find a job that will equal my pay and give me the same benefits without some sort of degree.

    It's not like I make all that much money, I'm not able to buy a new car or anything as owning a house can be rather expensive, but I don't mind driving used cars for the time being.

    Also, since the Michigan economy is so bad, after I finish with the programs I am in and it's time to look for a new job, I might look out in Pittsburgh since my parents were born there and I have a ton of family there. I've always liked it out there and would love to live there. The key to that, though, is the housing here in Michigan and if I could sell my house. Plus, there's talk that Chrysler could be sold off in parts and an upwards of 80,000 people could lose their jobs around here.

    I keep my options open, though. I think I'm a pretty smart guy and have a lot of different skills that I think I could make work one way or another.

    Another potential plan is that I have a friend who owns a couple different web servers and another buddy of mine who's in the graphic design program at Wayne State. I'm thinking maybe we could all get together and start a business where we can do web design and hosting.

    There's options out there for all kinds of things.

  6. #6
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    Thanks Glenn!
    I grew up in Michigan and didn't want to end up in a car factory. I was old enough to see the first wave of the Death Blow to the auto industry: The late 70's saw thousands headed to the unemplyment window. I headed out as soon as I turned 19, and never looked back (what I spent the next 20 years doing will come later).
    That takes me to YOUR next steps. First, you see MANY options, and try MANY things.
    But, what of your decision to get married and start a family? Do you have kids?
    How has that influenced the decisions you have made, or couldn't make? It sounds like you are either approching, or have hit 30. Guys who can hit 30 without shooting themselves in the foot too much have ALOT going for them, because the vast majority of guys (and women) who have hit thirty have more baggage than your average airport lost and found department.
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  7. #7
    I'm 27, have a solid but not stellar job and get good benifits and retirement stuff. I don't pay attention to my retirement package though and don't contribute extra to it. Both need to change, I know, but it's hard to just jump into this stuff and know what the heck is going on.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  8. #8
    bangpow's Avatar
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    Just kickin' back on the seven seas of smoothness.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zip Goshboots
    Thanks Glenn!
    I grew up in Michigan and didn't want to end up in a car factory. I was old enough to see the first wave of the Death Blow to the auto industry: The late 70's saw thousands headed to the unemplyment window. I headed out as soon as I turned 19, and never looked back (what I spent the next 20 years doing will come later).
    That takes me to YOUR next steps. First, you see MANY options, and try MANY things.
    But, what of your decision to get married and start a family? Do you have kids?
    How has that influenced the decisions you have made, or couldn't make? It sounds like you are either approching, or have hit 30. Guys who can hit 30 without shooting themselves in the foot too much have ALOT going for them, because the vast majority of guys (and women) who have hit thirty have more baggage than your average airport lost and found department.
    yeah, I'm married, but the wife and I don't plan on having kids any time soon. Plus, she didn't go to college either, but she is now. So, we kind of have an open slate for the future and she likes Pittsburgh, too.

  9. #9
    bangpow's Avatar
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    Just kickin' back on the seven seas of smoothness.
    Oh, yeah. I do have an IRA that was set up through my work which I contribute 6% of my pay to. It also had the stipulation that I could draw from it without penalty when I bought my first house. That helped...big time.

  10. #10
    bangpow: I've considered web/graphic design and the stuff you're looking at now, and I even started this semester of school in that program. Basically, what I got from it is that you won't learn anything in school for graphic design that you can't learn on your own if you give the necessary effort. So, I dropped out of that program ASAP in favor of an undecided education for now. Unless you're going to go to a school and learn graphic design for free, it's not worth it to study graphic design unless it's one of your only options. However, in your current situation, it sounds like a viable option -- if it's something you enjoy and the jobs are there, then I say go for it. However, word is that a lot of web design jobs are going overseas and other areas for a very cheap price. That's another thing that drove me away. I still may do web design on the side, however, but I don't know if that alone will be enough to support my unfortunately expensive habits (video games and music, etc). So I'm trying to find something I know I'll enjoy as an occupation, something that's challenging (I definitely don't want to shortchange myself), and something that makes me a decent amount of money, I just don't know what yet.
    Last edited by DrRay11; 02-22-2007 at 12:53 PM.

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