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Thread: Who here has an Apple?

  1. #1

    Who here has an Apple?

    Not this kind.

    Nor this kind.

    (Mxy knew that one was coming)

    But this kind.

    I recently decided I couldn't live anymore without a laptop and thought it would be a good excuse to buy my first Apple. So I got a Macbook. I think Denny has said in the past that he does all his good shit on a Red Delicious and perhaps The Shogun rocks one as well. I started "computing" on my older brother's Commadore64 and then his Amiga 500 and while my desktop machine is still a PC (home built back when I started college and updated less than regularly lately), I've had periodic contact with apples since playing Kings Bounty on my buddy's father's office AppleII (1990-ish). I used to roll hard on the gaming front and so a PC was the logical choice but I've got a kid now, grown soft, and most of my activity on a computer is lower key and digital family album oriented.

    So who's gottem'?

  2. #2
    I've had one in the past, but currently am all-PC. I'm thinking of switching my current laptop for a Macbook, however.

  3. #3
    I do. been using them my whole life.
    Quiet err, im transmitting rage

  4. #4
    I just bought an imac last Thanksgiving. I dual boot windows on it.

  5. #5
    I think Denny has said in the past that he does all his good shit on a Red Delicious and perhaps The Shogun rocks one as well
    Actually, I use a duct taped Vic20 and a bottle of El Jimador for all my graphical needs.

    iBook + eMac + Adobe CS suite =

    EDIT: How OLD is that kid? She's still sucking her thumb? Fuck a paltrow!
    Last edited by DennyMcLain; 02-19-2007 at 10:17 PM.

  6. #6
    Adobe CS is $1,200 bucks. I hope you could at least write that off.

  7. #7
    bangpow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Just kickin' back on the seven seas of smoothness.
    Currently typing this post on my G4 PowerBook. I also just bought my wife a used iBook for christmas this year too.

    I am also that really annoying person that tells people to buy a Mac whenever they tell me they are in the market for a new computer.

  8. #8
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Having spent the suckier part of my evening ripping apart someone's PC laptop to replace a busted fan (and having no end of fun putting the bitch together again) while watching us inch past the Bucks, I was saying "get a fucking Mac and be done with it" a few times.

    And here's the Apple of my eye:

    Last edited by Uncle Mxy; 02-20-2007 at 11:37 PM.

  9. #9
    First trip to WTF on my new Macbook. BTW, the post text doesn't show up in Safari, though the quoted portions do. Maybe its just something about the default theme. I'd check others but I can't remember or find how to change it. Had to d/l Firefox (which I probably would have done anyway sooner or later) to post this.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Fool
    First trip to WTF on my new Macbook. BTW, the post text doesn't show up in Safari, though the quoted portions do. Maybe its just something about the default theme. I'd check others but I can't remember or find how to change it. Had to d/l Firefox (which I probably would have done anyway sooner or later) to post this.
    Safari sucks. Download Firefox.

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