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Thread: Just lost 1000 dollars

  1. #1

    Just lost 1000 dollars

    I have been betting on sports in the sportinteraction forum and been doing somewhat well. Up 100 dollars, so I decided to try out the poker room joined a 4 8 no limit game and some how I got my bank roll up to 1100 hundred dollars. I was so pumped and then I got a hand and some guy put me all in. I had kings and it was right off the flop and there was nothing else on the board. somehow the guy had two pair low. he stayed in praying and beat me. I have been looking into the computer screen for the past half hour. I just closed my account with the gambling site and had them send me a check for the 100 dollars left in my account.

    Maybe this was a good thing?

  2. #2
    UxKa's Avatar
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    So you didnt lose any money that you didnt have in the first place? If so then yes, probably was a good thing. Ive known too many people that have lost too much money on poker. I know alcoholics who have it better than people with gambling issues. I happen to be pretty decent at poker sometimes, but I only play with fake money or games where we just bring a change jar. If you enjoy the game, I have two suggestions. One, do what I do, play with little money. Two, which I think is a bigger one, is dont play online. A lot of people who play online dont really know how to play, they raise a lot and just try to bluff people out of their cash. Unfortunately you cant read them to know if they are bluffing or not since you are just staring at a screen. If you do want to play online since its not always easy to get real life poker games together, stick to the limit games.

    It does suck that you lost like that though, two Ks is generally good. On the other hand Im often that other guy, I love pocket 2s. "I'll always go to war with my .22" is my slogan, and Ive won too many pots with that hand to be fair and for some reason I get an abnormal amount of those hands.

  3. #3
    yeah well it is tough because i know i have a gambling problem and it started when i was just 18 going to mount pleasant casino. i won big and then i started going to windsor every day and winning, i was going to michigan state and gambling atleast 4 days out of the week at a casino. it did eventually begin to lose. then came sports gambling and still the casino. it is horrible to sit there and click refresh on a sports game that means nothing to you, absolute waste of time. all i know is that it is best to not gamble all together but that is easier said than done. I have never lost everything to where i could not hide my gambling problem, but i think it will only be a matter of time before i bankrupt myself doing something stupid with gambling. difficult to stop when you build your life around it.

  4. #4
    UxKa's Avatar
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    I think the biggest thing is to safely figure out a price limit for what you can spend. Most people have a vice or two that suck some paycheck up. For instance I smoke and like my tasty beer. I probably spend about $50 per week, couple packs of cigs per day and some sixers of good beer. Even though not vices per say, some people buy video games, some people eat out a lot, some people buy tons of clothes, some people spend on their cars, etc etc. As long as you dont overspend there is not a problem with it wether it is gambling or anything else. Basically spending money on different things makes different people happy, and that is the point of life in the first place. I know with gambling the bigger rush is from the bigger spending, a line has to be drawn though. Just do the math, figure out paycheck - bills - living comforts = x amount to safely gamble, and I dont see how there is anything wrong at all as long as you can stick to that.

  5. #5
    So you didnt lose any money that you didnt have in the first place? If so then yes, probably was a good thing. Ive known too many people that have lost too much money on poker. I know alcoholics who have it better than people with gambling issues. I happen to be pretty decent at poker sometimes, but I only play with fake money or games where we just bring a change jar. If you enjoy the game, I have two suggestions. One, do what I do, play with little money. Two, which I think is a bigger one, is dont play online. A lot of people who play online dont really know how to play, they raise a lot and just try to bluff people out of their cash. Unfortunately you cant read them to know if they are bluffing or not since you are just staring at a screen. If you do want to play online since its not always easy to get real life poker games together, stick to the limit games.

    It does suck that you lost like that though, two Ks is generally good. On the other hand Im often that other guy, I love pocket 2s. "I'll always go to war with my .22" is my slogan, and Ive won too many pots with that hand to be fair and for some reason I get an abnormal amount of those hands.
    I agree.

    Online poker is the shitiest way of winning/losing poker. Can't read them and its just bullshit.

    Play 10,20,30 dollar buy-ins with a couple of your friends. get around 6 and you got a pot ranging from 80-160. Good shit right there.

    Pocket K's. there is the saying don't just trust pockets. Well if i was you, i would have made the same call. bullshit online poker kills

  6. #6
    At least you acknowledge that you have a gambling problem. I'm just wondering how you managed to get through college going to the casino 4x a week.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by gusman
    I was so pumped and then I got a hand and some guy put me all in. I had kings and it was right off the flop and there was nothing else on the board. somehow the guy had two pair low. he stayed in praying and beat me.
    When it comes to all-in bets, what you call with generally needs to be a lot stronger than what you lead with. Unless you have great reason to believe the other guy is completely full of shit you have to look at it and ask yourself: What could he have to make that bet with? What could beat me?

    The answers spell fold for you. All you have is a pair. A nice pair, an overpair, two shiny K's but still... just a pair.

    I'd be interested to hear what the betting was like pre-flop. The best way to guard against situations like that is to either raise significantly pre-flop to establish where you stand or if the flop comes cheap and you didn't hit, you have to be willing to fold to a large bet because your trap didn't spring.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cross
    Online poker is the shitiest way of winning/losing poker. Can't read them and its just bullshit.
    Quote Originally Posted by UxKa
    . A lot of people who play online dont really know how to play, they raise a lot and just try to bluff people out of their cash. Unfortunately you cant read them to know if they are bluffing or not since you are just staring at a screen.
    You guys have it wrong with online poker. 99% of the information you can use at a poker table comes from betting patterns and remembering what a person did in past situations. Chips speak and the language is universal. If anything it's even better online because you can get a much larger amount of information on someone in a short time and use your computer to help you track it. I can sit across from you at a table all night and see how you played in 10-20 hands vs playing online and seeing you act in 100-200.

    All that body language reading really happens mostly in the movies. There's a little bit of it at real tables but it's rare, when a good player reads you it was probably your chips, not your facial ticks.

    Also, when it comes to making a profit, bad players are the easiest and most straightforward to win against consistently. No fancy maneuvers, great play, trickery or subtlety is required. All you have to do is know what the "by the book" move is for a given situation is, make it and let the percentages dictate your winnings over time. It's boring to do but bad players will literally throw money at you when you do it. The problem is that wild play is highly infectious and it takes a lot of discipline to see all that action flying back and forth across a table without jumping into the mosh pit yourself.

    Really the downside of online poker is that it comes up short on the entertainment level. Spending an evening slapping your friends around for bragging rights is orders of magnitude more fun than grinding profits out of anonymous pixels.
    Last edited by geerussell; 01-29-2007 at 12:03 PM.

  8. #8
    Langlois Insider Vinny's Avatar
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    I agree with Geerussel.

    Gusman, I can't really tell from your story if the money went in pre-flop or not, but if it did, that's all the MORE reason to keep playing online. The fact that there are idiots that will do stupid stuff like push with a 5-6 shows how much money there is to be made.

    If the money went in post-flop, no offense, but it's probably your own fault for not raising right pre-flop. Everyone wants to slow-play but in the long run it's just not worth it. Don't worry, you'll still get callers if you raise right, and you'll be much safer in the long run.

    I'm reppin' Jesus Christ and Conservative views....

    Quick piece by VINNY which was a logo style of his. VINNY also did two letter throw up's by the name of FI 2.


  9. #9
    At least you weren't this guy...

    Russian loses wife in poker game

    Marriage royally flushed down the pan

    A Murmansk gambler lost his wife in a poker game when he ran out of cash and laid his other half on the table, Ananova reports.

    Unfortunately for Andrei Karpov, when winning opponent Sergey Brodov arrived to claim his prize, his wife Tatiana was "so angry" she opted for a divorce.

    She thundered: "It was humiliating and I was utterly ashamed. But as soon as my ex-husband did that I knew I had to leave him."

    In a heartwarming twist which disproves once-and-for-all the old "lucky at cards, unlucky at love" proverb, Tatiana started a relationship with Brodov and subsequently married him.

    She enthused: "Sergey was a very handsome, charming man and I am very happy with him, even if he did 'win' me in a poker game."

  10. #10
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I just 100 alpacas on fucking MSU hoops, which I can't stand.

    17 points at the half? What a disgrace.

    At least I still have my wife.
    Find a new slant.

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