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Thread: Baker Exclusive! (Dar Tucker)

  1. #1

    Baker Exclusive! (Dar Tucker)

    Oh baby boy! I got ahold of the biggest piece of insider information I've ever come acrossed in my life. Before I begin, let me tell you this isn't chat room rumor. You can go to scout, rivals, mlive, anything you can think of and I guarantee you won't read this there (YET). In addition, I can also guarantee that this info is absolutely 100% true. I can't give away the source, but I'll tell you it will all come out in time. I'd put my life savings on it. So here it is...

    Dar Tucker called up coach Izzo last year and informed him that he made his college choice. Tucker accepted Izzo's scholarship offer and wanted to be a Spartan. He let Izzo know that he wanted to set up a press conference and make the announcement public shortly, they'd have to work out schedules.

    In the meantime, several schools and shoe companies threw their hat into the situation. Arthur Hill Head Coach Greg McMath helped make sure they became a factor. McMath let it be known that he wasn't against monetary convincing when it came to his player Tucker. He started letting some schools know that he felt he could pursuade Tucker if given the right incentive. McMath first accepted $2,000 from the University of Miami to help convince Tucker to go there. For those of you following the situation, you might have noticed that out of nowhere Tucker added Miami to his list. McMath proceeded to initiate other dealings with multiple schools trying to create a bidding war. Florida is rumored to be one of them, however a specific cash amount was not confirmed. Dar's AAU coach heard a few rumblings about money getting involved. His AAU coach began accepting money not only from some schools, but also from several shoe companies and began passing part of it on to McMath in attempt to pursuade him to convince Dar to switch from MSU to another school. DePaul became a factor and so did Louisville. McMath hinted to MSU's coaches that some incentive might be needed to keep Dar a Spartan commitment. MSU would not have anything to do with it.

    All of Arthur Hill's assistant coaches started to find out what was going on. They were not happy and did not agree with what McMath was doing. They voiced their opinion and things broke down. Every single Arthur Hill assistant coach quit. Queston the validity? Check Arthur Hill's bench for those of you that are familiar with the program. See any assistants from last year? Assistant coaches on defending Class A State Championship teams that return everybody tend to stick around.

    The Saginaw News is currently working on breaking the story wide open. They don't have enough concrete proof yet, but stay tuned. This will become public, I'm almost sure of it. I thought this would interest all MSU and UM fans here since we've all followed the recruitment of Tucker. Sucks how corrupt things have become. It also sucks that MSU would have had another player in the mold of Raymar Morgan.

    Jethro, keep this one on the DL homie. I don't need my name attached to it if it starts getting around the Hill.

  2. #2
    DrTre for POW, if the glove fits....

  3. #3

  4. #4
    I both believe that, and think that'd be BIG.

    Thanks for the info.

    Mark Dantonio - MSU Head Coach


  5. #5
    Super Cogent Jethro34's Avatar
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    I'll wait until I hear more. I know Dar has signed his LOI to go to DePaul and there was a press conference at the school. I have an upset stomach reading this, that's about all I'll say right now. My plan is to give people the benefit of the doubt until everything comes out officially, then I'll get into it. I'm not sure I could function in my day to day stuff otherwise.
    We had subs. It was crazy.

  6. #6
    One thing that I do not know about this situation is if Dar got any money or even if he knew about money. Knowing what McMath did, I wouldn't put it past him to pass some on to Tucker to help him change his mind. But, it could just be the coach taking it and then trying to influence.

    I hate to put a damper on your day Jethro, but I can guarantee you that this is true. Wish I could explain how I know, but I can't. Just don't go around talking about it though (I'm sure you already know that).

    I see why Izzo has gotten so fed up with recruiting at times in his career. Anthony Roberson and now Tucker.

  7. #7
    damn, great scoop, DrTre.

  8. #8
    SpartyNick's Avatar
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    Good stuff Tre.

    And things have spread pretty quickly. This thread has been linked on more than one board I frequent.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt
    damn, great scoop, DrTre.
    Thanks man.

    I hope The Saginaw News uncovers it. It'll be interesting to read what they uncover.

  10. #10
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Nice work Tre.

    I'm glad to hear that Izzo stays above the fray.
    Find a new slant.

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