As we prepare for the next vBookie contest, we need to determine if we are going to either:

1. Reset everyone's totals before every contest


2. Keep going without resetting

If we do not reset the alpaca count each time we run a new contest, we'll probably add a stipulation that the same person can't win two contests in a row. So once you win, you are ineligible for the next contest, and then eligible for the following one.

There are pros and cons to doing it each way, so we need to hear from you guys to see what you guys want to do.

If we can request one thing as we discuss this, please try to keep self interest out of it. (People with low totals right now shouldn't say "reset" just because they are struggling, and likewise people with high counts will likely want to keep what they have earned.)

Try to base your decision on what would be the most fun for everybody and still be fair at the same time.
