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Thread: Whitlock Fired by ESPN - Calls Scoop's stuff "anti-white"

  1. #1

    Whitlock Fired by ESPN - Calls Scoop's stuff "anti-white"

    Freedom to speak has price
    The Kansas City Star

    Previous columns
    Good news for those of you complaining that I spend too much time taping ESPN television shows.

    The World Wide Leader dumped me Monday afternoon because of critical comments I made about Mike Lupica and Scoop Jackson in a blog interview that ran on Friday. You can read the interview at www.thebiglead.com.

    Lupica, of course, is a sports columnist for the New York Daily News and a longtime panelist on ESPN’s “The Sports Reporters.” Jackson is the infamous ESPN.com sports columnist who bragged in a recent column about telling black kids they had a better chance of being NBA players than sportswriters.

    James Cohen, an executive at the network, called me Monday and asked me whether the comments attributed to me in the interview were true. When I said “yes,” he informed me that I could no longer appear on ESPN television shows and that my November appearances on “Pardon the Interruption” would be canceled.

    I wasn’t surprised. ESPN, a terrific network, has always been hypersensitive to criticism, especially when it comes from its independent-contract employees. Over the six years I’ve worked for ESPN, I’ve received complaining phone calls from its executives almost every time I’ve written a critical word about the network.

    I take being a journalist/columnist very seriously. To me, being a contract employee for ESPN did not mean I’d surrendered my right to blast the World Wide Leader in Sports for making the awful TV show “Playmakers,” employing as expert analysts clownish buffoons with drug problems such as Rush Limbaugh and Michael Irvin, and publishing the gangsta-posturing rantings of a poor writer.

    ESPN is a powerful newsmaker in the sports world. As a sports journalist/columnist, I thought it would be wrong to ignore obvious topics just because I drew an occasional check from ESPN.

    I’m not stepping on any high horse. It wouldn’t hold me.

    The fact is I can’t be happy unless I’m true to myself. I like to criticize and analyze. Every coach, teacher or boss I’ve ever had would tell you that. My parents would tell you that. Every woman who has ever tolerated my company for more than six months would tell you that.

    I guess ESPN thought I would get the message and pipe down. I can’t pipe down about things I’m passionate about.

    So, in the blog interview, I answered the questions that were asked about my departure from ESPN.com Page 2 to AOL Sports (two weeks ago I told my editor at Page 2 that I was moving my once-a-week Internet column to AOL Sports) and a run-in I had with Mike Lupica on “The Sports Reporters” in August.

    I told the blog that part of the reason I was leaving Page 2 was because I was uncomfortable with Page 2’s relationship with Scoop Jackson. Much of his writing is childish, anti-white and a caricature of a negative black stereotype. I didn’t say it in the blog interview, but it’s my belief that it is irresponsible for the World Wide Leader to publish much of what Scoop writes. Over the last year, I’ve shared these opinions with ESPN executives countless times. I said nothing in the blog interview that I hadn’t said privately.

    I told the blog that Lupica and Joe Valerio, the producer of “The Sports Reporters,” had become disenchanted with me because I would not join in the crusade to portray Barry Bonds as the baseball anti-Christ. I’m not a Bonds fan and don’t think all that much of his recent accomplishments. But a life spent competing in sports and writing about sports has made me uninterested in pretending that Bonds is the real villain in the steroids mess. And I have zero tolerance for when people try to censor my ability to state fair opinions.

    You might read this and think that I think I’ve been treated unfairly by ESPN. I don’t.

    This was inevitable. ESPN does not tolerate criticism. Sportswriters far more distinguished than yours truly — Tony Kornheiser, John Feinstein and T.J. Simers — have been banned/suspended for comments perceived to be detrimental to the World Wide Leader.

    I’m sure my move from ESPN .com to AOL Sports was viewed as an act of disloyalty by some within the network.

    It wasn’t. It was just the act of a guy who values his ability to think, act and speak independently more than he does seeing his face on ESPN.

  2. #2
    holy shit........

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    This is good news.

    Whitlock has the balls to say what he thinks.

    I'm looking for several more juicy anti-ESPN articles soon.
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
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    Having an awkward moment just to see how it feels.
    I've always thought he was the most bias, make a case for the idiotic, dumbest writers ever. His hating on Scoop Jackson is more proof that he'd rather lie than tell the truth. In fact I get the feeling he will only down the people he hates at ESPN. And skip over the ones he still likes.
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  5. #5
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Whitlock is buds with Wojo, right?

    I remember hearing the theory that Wojo used to (still does?) ply Whitlock with inside dirt on the Lions/Pistons that Wojo didn't feel comfortable writing about himself.

    Can anybody expand on/confirm/refute this?

    I seem to recall that Whitlock used to work for the Ann Arbor News.

    EDIT: man, I love Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Whitlock
    Last edited by Glenn; 09-27-2006 at 10:07 AM.
    Find a new slant.

  6. #6
    In my opinion, Whitlock is right about Scoop. I've become pretty tired of his "wanna-be thug" mentality. Scoop isn't even a very good writer.

    I've always respected JW - hope to hear him on Rome sometime soon.

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  7. #7
    well, whitlock is wrong about one thing, he's about 1000x a better writer than tj simers (hack journalist for LA that pissed everyone off 2 years ago).

    whitlock has been by far the best sports journalist in america for a while now.

    and he's exactly right about scoop.

    guts, im wondering how much you've actually read of whitlock's?

    whitlock writes about race as much, if not more than scoop. but theres a huge difference. one, whitlock is intelligent. two, he writes about race because thats where his stories sometime lead him--whereas you can tell scoop sits down and says "now how can i write about race and sports in this column".

    scoop has openly said he's trying to fill ralph wiley's shoes (who, in my opinion, was the best sports writer in america before his death a few years ago). wiley wrote a book called "why black people tend to shout". he was a very race conscious writer, very similar to whitlock. but i think wiley would agree with whitlock about scoop.

    ps: i would be surprised and dissapointed if whitlock attacked espn like this again in a column. i would, however, like to see scoop defend himself.

  8. #8
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-diddy

    guts, im wondering how much you've actually read of whitlock's
    Yes his LB love is unbiased i'm guessing.

    His work on the sports reporters was terrible. Easily the worst ever(made me turn the channel a few times). Dont act like i'm the first person to ever think lowly of him. Google "Jason Whitlock" and hack, throw in ignorant if you want. and tell each person you come across there they havent read or seen him at work.

    If you like his stuff, kudos for you, i don't. But somebody's got to if he had a job in the first place. Some people even like woody hayes. Their perogative. If you think negatively of people who dont, the go fuck yourself with a spiked bat.

    All in all i've read and seen(eye sore for days) quite a bit of whitlock. And yes i still think he's for the most part a biased hack. Clear enough for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by b-diddy
    i would, however, like to see scoop defend himself.
    For who? people who think whitlocks right in the first place like yourself? I'd be surprised if he took his bitter ass seriously. I like how the recently fired bitter guy is considered the one with clarity. If he was as intelligently upstanding as you say he wouldnt have done that piece. Harold Renyolds isnt bashing anybody he can or spilling whatever slighted beans possible to get back at espn. So i dont get where this is a classy intellectual move by Whitlock. Sounds like he's screaming for typical attention. I'm honestly hoping that Scoop doesnt sink into that and write a fire back article. atleast not directly. I hope they all igg Whitlock, it'll just show how much of a baby he's being.
    Last edited by Black Dynamite; 09-27-2006 at 02:13 PM.
    Stalked by a Mod who gives 1 percent credence.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Gutz Gatsu
    Yes his LB love is unbiased i'm guessing.

    His work on the sports reporters was terrible. Easily the worst ever(made me turn the channel a few times). Dont act like i'm the first person to ever think lowly of him. Google "Jason Whitlock" and hack, throw in ignorant if you want. and tell each person you come across there they havent read or seen him at work.

    If you like his stuff, kudos for you, i don't. But somebody's got to if he had a job in the first place. Some people even like woody hayes. Their perogative. If you think negatively of people who dont, the go fuck yourself with a spiked bat.

    All in all i've read and seen(eye sore for days) quite a bit of whitlock. And yes i still think he's for the most part a biased hack. Clear enough for you?
    what does woody hayes have to do with this?

    i've seen very little of whitlock on tv, cuz i dont have cable, so i wont defend him there.

    and though i didnt say i'd think less of someone that doesnt like whitlock, i actually would.

    whitlock is probably the most insightful sports journalists in america. he also is a former athlete that gives him a far greater perspective than most run of the mill journalists.

    it turns out whitlock doesnt like scoop for the same reasons i do. whitlock also was pissed off by scoop's assertions that he has something to do with ralph wiley other than skin color.

    and despite what you claim, whitlock has always carried himself with dignity, even leaving espn. if you read it, he's respectful towards the CO, and pretty much everyone but scoop. but why should whitlock back down from the truthe, or his beliefs?

    fact is, pg 2 has become pure shit. just 2 years ago, you could have found ralph wiley, hunter s. thompson, whitlock, bill simmons, and the daily quickie guy. some of the very best journalists in america. now wiley and thomspon are dead, whitlock and the daily quickie guy are gone, and bill simmons (an ok and sometimes great writer) is all that remains... chuck klausterman is great too, but he writes one article every blue moon it seems.

    For who? people who think whitlocks right in the first place like yourself? I'd be surprised if he took his bitter ass seriously. I like how the recently fired bitter guy is considered the one with clarity. If he was as intelligently upstanding as you say he wouldnt have done that piece. Harold Renyolds isnt bashing anybody he can or spilling whatever slighted beans possible to get back at espn. So i dont get where this is a classy intellectual move by Whitlock. Sounds like he's screaming for typical attention. I'm honestly hoping that Scoop doesnt sink into that and write a fire back article. atleast not directly. I hope they all igg Whitlock, it'll just show how much of a baby he's being.
    scoop should defend himself because a prominent journalist attacked him, and in probably the worst way possible. scoop probably wont though, because 1) whitlock is right, 2) scoops probably too dumb to even come up with even a bs defense. he could say 'i am who i am' but even that would be a lie.

  10. #10
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
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    Having an awkward moment just to see how it feels.
    scoop should defend himself because a prominent journalist attacked him, and in probably the worst way possible. scoop probably wont though, because 1) whitlock is right, 2) scoops probably too dumb to even come up with even a bs defense. he could say 'i am who i am' but even that would be a lie.
    Thats Jason Whitlock kool aid talk if i've ever seen it. My goodness he's your "darko" of journalism. Somehow Whitlock attacks and slings mud at Scoop. and he's a bitch if he doesnt respond. See this is what exagerrated people like yourself start. I think scoop is an ok writer. Nothing spectacular by any means and I wouldnt put him up with any top journalists. But I'm stuck defending him because you jump so hard right wing haterade on him(all because your man crush homey whitlock did), and exclude any unclassy moves by Whitlock.

    and despite what you claim, whitlock has always carried himself with dignity, even leaving espn. if you read it, he's respectful towards the CO, and pretty much everyone but scoop. but why should whitlock back down from the truthe, or his beliefs?
    Truth? what truth? his OPINION? What world are you living in? See I find it funny that he by your words "backed down from the truth" everyday of his life at espn up until he was fired. Real classy and truthful. LMAO. get out of here with that shit Diddy. If thats how he really feels he's 3 times the bitch for waiting until he's fired and as far away from scoop as possible before he says it. Yea Whitlock is "real deal Hoyfield" to the fullest.

    whitlock is probably the most insightful sports journalists in america. he also is a former athlete that gives him a far greater perspective than most run of the mill journalists.
    I see, so michael Irvin must be god himself. Since he was a legit athlete in his day and tom jackson was and is still in better shape than whitlock. Oh the insightful appreciation to athleticism. Look at this greatly in shape specimen of excellence.
    Click the image to view the full version
    The image above has been resized. Click on it to see the full version.

    Stan van gundy may be in better shape unfortunately.

    and though i didnt say i'd think less of someone that doesnt like whitlock, i actually would.
    Well i already said my piece on that.

    You are overly in love with Whitlock and worse than that, you think negatively anyone who isnt. Not much more we could discuss on this. I hope he doesnt eat the lady above, you hope that his truth destroys his sworn enemy scoop jackson. I like my odds better than yours.
    Stalked by a Mod who gives 1 percent credence.

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