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Thread: Detroit Institute of Arts: "American Music" photo exhibit

  1. #1

    Detroit Institute of Arts: "American Music" photo exhibit


    Museums and galleries all over the world hold exhibitions of her instantly recognizable photographs. The Library of Congress officially labels her a Living Legend. The French government named her a commander in their Order of Arts and Letters.

    Most photographers struggle for access to celebrities. Annie Leibovitz gets whomever she wants to do whatever she imagines.

    Consider one of her most surprising images: a pregnant Demi Moore, nude on the cover of Vanity Fair, in a time when it wasn't vogue yet to flaunt one's pregnancy.

    It's all a matter of trust, says Tim Hossler, a graphic artist who worked closely with Leibovitz for many years. "Annie's as famous as the people she shoots," he says. "She's on the same level with them, and they're excited to be photographed by her because they know what the outcome will be."

    But Leibovitz's reputation extends far beyond Hollywood. It also runs behind the scenes with some of the country's most iconic musicians.

    These portraits of musicians, many of whom hail from Detroit, are the main attraction of the touring exhibition "Annie Leibovitz: American Music," opening Sept. 24 at the Detroit Institute of Arts.

    sounds cool, i'll probably check it out...

  2. #2
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The Friday evening programs at the DIA seem to be ok, the few times I've gone. I admit that I rarely want to do much of anything on Friday nights, other than chill out after a long week.

    I've never really gotten Annie Leibovitz's appeal in particular. I think about her most iconic shot -- a profile shot of nekkid Lennon straddling Yoko just before he was murdered -- and think "no one wants to see him do THAT".

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