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Thread: Rangers @ Tigers

  1. #1

    Rangers @ Tigers


    So yeah, cool stuff from last night:

    Craig Monroe: 3 assists, and drew a walk. :O

    Carlos Guillen: Two home runs, one on each side. The 2nd was a walkoff.

    Kenny Rogers: Another solid performance. Take that, baseball pundits!

  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    That was a great game last night. Good call on your highlights.

    As nice as it was to win, it was equally disappointing to see the Twins come back from a few runs down late to keep the pace.

    Also, we need to get more guys on base and turn those solo HRs into 2 and 3 run jobs (obvious, I know).
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    I'm going tonight. Hope the weather clears.

  4. #4
    i was at the game too. shitty. im on a personal 5 game losing streak, but i suspect alot of people could say that.

    whats the deal with JV? his fast ball went to 97 once all game--that i saw. it was at a steady 93-94 all game. i mentioned this the last time i saw him pitch, too (2 starts ago). did they tell him not to dial up anymore, or is he just fading?

  5. #5
    verlander got knocked around. caught the game at Big Buck.......at least the beer was good.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by b-diddy
    i was at the game too. shitty. im on a personal 5 game losing streak, but i suspect alot of people could say that.

    whats the deal with JV? his fast ball went to 97 once all game--that i saw. it was at a steady 93-94 all game. i mentioned this the last time i saw him pitch, too (2 starts ago). did they tell him not to dial up anymore, or is he just fading?
    Which game was it (not that long ago) that he got in trouble and just started throwing heater after heater after heater and ended up getting rocked and taken out? Perhaps he's overcompensating the other way now, steering his pitches instead of just throwing.

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