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Thread: Michigan census data in: it ain't pretty

  1. #1

    Michigan census data in: it ain't pretty


    In a dramatic sign of its ailing economy, Michigan's household income dropped, more children joined the ranks of poor people and the number of people living below the poverty level jumped in the suburbs, according to census figures released Tuesday.
    The figures show Michigan's median household income fell more than any other state's during the last six years. It was $46,039 in 2005 -- 12% less than what it was in 1999 when adjusted for inflation. None of the 28 counties and 21 municipalities for which data were reported showed a rise in median household income between 1999 and 2005, the estimates show.


    The income of the typical Michigan household fell below the national figure in 2005 as the state -- once a promised land for hourly workers -- slipped below the national benchmark for the first time since such figures became available.
    The median household income here was $46,038 last year, according to Census Bureau estimates released Tuesday. That's just under the national median of $46,242; the bureau called the figures a statistical dead heat. Since the Census Bureau began collecting such data in the 1960s, Michigan has never before trailed the nation.
    Just 25 years ago, household income in Michigan ranked eighth among the states. But waves of restructuring by the auto industry knocked it down to 22nd in the latest estimates.

  2. #2
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    Remember kids, Michigan's not business-friendly and one big reason is because wages are too high, so says the DeVos camp.

    The wage numbers were actually a little worse in 2004 than 2005, but of course everything looks real bad compared to 1999/2000.

  3. #3
    studying economics in school, i was always under the impression that this was just a cycle and the economy here would rebound. but, things are looking so bleak with the michigan ecomony so deeply rooted w/ the auto industry. is there any reason to be optimistic?

  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I'm actually surprised that Michigan's median income isn't much lower than the national average than it is. Am I wrong to think that hearing that we're alomost dead nuts on the mark is actually a bit of a pleasant surprise?

    Oh, I know it ain't pretty, but when the number of Americans living under the poverty level has escalated each year since Clinton was in office, most states are going to have some ugly numbers. Throw in the decline of the auto industry and I'm still surprised that it's not worse.

  5. #5
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    One of the big problems is that Michigan (and the midwest in general) has been assuming the "bitch" position when it comes to federal funding for decades. We send out more than we get back, and we don't get very much back in terms of dollars per person. We've never established the "solid Midwest" that would be needed to draw stuff like:


    our way. When we're bickering about whether Ohio or Indiana gets Honda vs. Michigan, we're missing the big picture, and prone to "divide and conquer".

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