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Thread: The Fall Film Thread

  1. #1

    The Fall Film Thread

    Movies I'd pay $$$ to see:

    The Departed -- Scorcese. Gangs. Cops.... Boston? WTF? Of course, anything even remotely related with Beantown MUST have either Affleck, Damon, or both in it. Here, it's just Damon (Matt, not Johnny). Leonardo DiCaprio (Scorcese's new DeNiro, it seems), Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg (in his 152nd film of the year), Alec Baldwin, Martin Sheen.

    The best ensemble cast of the year, and probably the front-runner for best picture. If you've got quicktime 7 on your computer, you can check out the HD trailer here: http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/thedeparted/hd/

    The Fountain -- Dunno about this one. Visually, it looks great, but the trailer contains some pretty shitty dialogue like "My conquistador...alway conquering". Yes, like conquistadors do something else OTHER than conquer, hence the fucking name. Aranofsky's done some good stuff in the past. I'd go see it with my iPod. If the script sucks, simply dons your buds, max out the volume, and watch the visuals.

    Children of Men-- Clive Owen and Julianne Moore try to save the human race when women suddenly become infertile, and the youngest human on the planet (18 years old) just died. The plot twist, Moore has in her posession a young girl who's PREGNANT, and Owen must get this girl to the shore and an awaiting boat.

    I've heard this plot somewhere before. I think it was a Van Damme movie, but I can't be sure. But it's Alfonso Cuaron directing, so it probably doesn't matter. HD trailer:

  2. #2
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    For Your Consideration, another Christopher Guest mockumentary with the same basic cast as A Mighty Wind and Best In Show, comes out in November.

    This Film Is Not Yet Rated, a real documentary/expose about the anonymous MPAA people who assign movie ratings like PG, NC-17, etc. comes out soon.

  3. #3
    The Black Dahlia, is a movie I am looking forward to, I guess it can go either way though. It is a true story told many times but much like the Jack the Ripper movies can be anywhere from great to lousy, due to the lack of finding the murderer, and the numerous conspiracy theories.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Short for anyone who wants to know more about the story.

    Here is the link to the new movie site. Decent cast to say the least but like I said who knows how it will playout.


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