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Thread: Granholm v. DeVos

  1. #1
    Devos all the way

    Heres the thing:

    You want to smoke weed,
    I want a job.
    Our current governer hasnt done much to help the job market.
    Times up bitch.
    Last edited by Anthony; 07-06-2006 at 11:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Who doesnt wanna govenor named Dick? Go Dick!

  3. #3
    I can't stand Dick's commercial. that last line drives me nuts no one talks like that.

  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony
    Devos all the way

    Heres the thing:

    You want to smoke weed,
    I want a job.
    Our current governer hasnt done much to help the job market.
    Times up bitch.
    Hope you enjoy pyramid scheme's where you sell detergent to your friends.

    What a great job.
    Last edited by Glenn; 07-07-2006 at 05:51 AM.
    Find a new slant.

  5. #5
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Learn more about Devos, the beady-eyed, bible-thumping con man.

    Find a new slant.

  6. #6
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I split these off from RHL's thread because they really don't have much to do with most of his post, except the last shot he took at DeVos.

    We'll need a thread for this later anyways.
    Find a new slant.

  7. #7
    Nevermind, I forgot, I said i'm not talking politics here. You guys are too fucking liberal

  8. #8
    It says a lot about what a poor job Granholm has done as Governor if Michigan, a state which both John Kerry and Al Gore carried, is willing to elect DeVos. If she was doing even a halfway credible job of leading the State, DeVos would stand no chance whatsoever. Instead, he has been leading in the polls for weeks. Right now the election is shaping up as a referendum on her term in office, and she is losing.

  9. #9
    We are given some great options:

    Retarded vs. Insane
    Shipping Jobs away vs. shipping jobs away
    unable to accomplish anything vs. Able to accomplish a lot, in a pyramid scheme

    Pretty much, we're either fucked, or going with a 3rd party.

    Personally I'm going Granholm, she'll prevent anything from actually happening, DeVos scares the fuck out of me, because he could have just as bad ideas, but get them passed.

    Mark Dantonio - MSU Head Coach


  10. #10
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Giff, I don't think the Dems or the Granholm campaign have even begun to fight yet.

    I fully expect those poll results to be turned around once that happens.

    They'll tie DeVos to his pyramid schemes, the shipping of jobs overseas (while at the same time saying "we can't keep our talented young people in-state"), and connect him with his Bush support/contributions and they should be quite successfull, IMO. There's plenty of ammunition to choose from.

    On a side note, I tailgated with Granholm at a UM football game about 3 years before she won the Governorship, and she's hella cool.
    Find a new slant.

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