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Thread: 9/11 Loose Change

  1. #1
    Shogun Assassin
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    9/11 Loose Change

    9/11 Loose Change

    This is THE documentary on September 11th.

    * WARNING: Not for those with a weak stomach, a weak mind, or Republicans (which is redundant, I know).

  2. #2
    welp, I just got done watching it in its entirety and let me say that they really did make some good points. I still do not know why we are in a war in Iraq.

  3. #3
    With my finals upcoming I don't have the time to view the whole thing but I watched a little bit of it and found it interesting.

  4. #4
    Oh please. I watched more than 10 minutes worth of this X Files garbage. At first I thought it would be just another Michael Moore the republicans were asleep at the wheel documentaries.

    I'll save everyone time. It's a third man on the lawn of the grassy noll conspiracy theory that has that it was our gov't that crashed the planes and worked with the Al Qaeda. I didn't get that far into the movie to know why we would want to.

    This is about as sad and pitiful as those that claim the holocaust never happened.

    Disappointing that some of you can be swayed so easily by a college kid with a sony handycam and little tune playing in the background and fake news items.

    LMAO. nothing interesting about it. disrespectful and disgraceful. I rather watch a loch ness monster video.

  5. #5
    The WTC points were compelling. A very well-made doc. Some points, though.

    Flight 93: Showing the wreckage side by side with ONE other airliner crash is not enough. How about the Alaska Airlines crash off the coast of Southern Cali some years ago. Plane went straight down, nosediving into the drink at a high rate of speed, completely disintegrating upon impact, rather than spreading itself over a distance. He does mention one other airliner slamming into a side of a mountain and leaving debris, but debris was also present at the 93 site as well, just piled into a clump -- like it came straight down.

    The pentagon: When something as massive as a jet airliner slams into the side of a building, the force of impact can possibly send a shockwave that can extend itself beyond the crash site. This could be the explaination for the "nose" hole. We also don't know if that "hole" really exists. I don't remember hearing anything about an "exit hole". I did hear that the outer rings did their job, protecting the inner rings. Of everything about the Pentagon, the missing security cam video from the gas station and the hotel are the biggest question marks -- if they exist at all. Also, the light posts -- one version of the WTC footage we DON'T see is a close-up of the second crash taken from a rooftop handheld, where the second plane "knifes" into the tower like it was made of butter, wings intact.

    WTC -- the explosions might very well be structural failures occuring, rather than explosions. Of the many fires around the world where the building did not collapse, none were hit by a passenger airliner with a full tank of jet fuel. As for the Empire State building incident being hit by the bomber and not collapsing, this is true, but a ten ton B-25 is not comparable to a 395,000 lbs. 767.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Gecko
    Oh please. I watched more than 10 minutes worth of this X Files garbage. At first I thought it would be just another Michael Moore the republicans were asleep at the wheel documentaries.

    I'll save everyone time. It's a third man on the lawn of the grassy noll conspiracy theory that has that it was our gov't that crashed the planes and worked with the Al Qaeda. I didn't get that far into the movie to know why we would want to.

    This is about as sad and pitiful as those that claim the holocaust never happened.

    Disappointing that some of you can be swayed so easily by a college kid with a sony handycam and little tune playing in the background and fake news items.

    LMAO. nothing interesting about it. disrespectful and disgraceful. I rather watch a loch ness monster video.
    You certainly have quite the opinion after seeing 10 minutes of a 100 minute presentation.

    Watch the whole thing and then feel free to spew your ignorance, sparky.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DennyMcLain
    WTC -- the explosions might very well be structural failures occuring, rather than explosions.

    Check that one out. It goes into incredible detail about the explosions, which were cleary heard and felt prior to the collapses. Extremely interesting vid.

    Quote Originally Posted by DennyMcLain
    Of the many fires around the world where the building did not collapse, none were hit by a passenger airliner with a full tank of jet fuel.
    WTC7 also wasn't hit by a jet, and yet collapsed, supposedly solely due to fire.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by TK
    Quote Originally Posted by Gecko
    Oh please. I watched more than 10 minutes worth of this X Files garbage. At first I thought it would be just another Michael Moore the republicans were asleep at the wheel documentaries.

    I'll save everyone time. It's a third man on the lawn of the grassy noll conspiracy theory that has that it was our gov't that crashed the planes and worked with the Al Qaeda. I didn't get that far into the movie to know why we would want to.

    This is about as sad and pitiful as those that claim the holocaust never happened.

    Disappointing that some of you can be swayed so easily by a college kid with a sony handycam and little tune playing in the background and fake news items.

    LMAO. nothing interesting about it. disrespectful and disgraceful. I rather watch a loch ness monster video.
    You certainly have quite the opinion after seeing 10 minutes of a 100 minute presentation.

    Watch the whole thing and then feel free to spew your ignorance, sparky.
    Hey I heard that the CIA trained Bin Laden, even paid for his camps and really Bin Laden is actually American born. Well not really but if little Timmy said it in the video I am sure you would be parading the info as fact.

    As to why eye witnesses heard exlposions and some saw planes while others didn't? Ever gathered a group of eye witnesses that just seen a traffic accident? How many diff stories usually come out?

    Certain people are so gullible which is why conspiracy theories work so well and keep going for generations. Hey did the Holocaust happen? There is some incredible footage and documenation that shows it was a big fat lie. That Loch Ness monster video was pretty convincing too as was the alien autopsy. Go dig me out Hoffa of the North end zone of the meadowlands and then we can talk about Bush killing off people so he can be ruler of the world. Sad sad shit to place hope in conspiracies such as these.

    TK give me a break dude. 10 minutes is all I need.
    Last edited by Gecko; 04-28-2006 at 12:47 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Gecko
    Certain people are so gullible which is why conspiracy theories work so well and keep going for generations. Hey did the Holocaust happen? There is some incredible footage and documenation that shows it was a big fat lie. That Loch Ness monster video was pretty convincing too as was the alien autopsy. Go dig me out Hoffa of the North end zone of the meadowlands and then we can talk about Bush killing off people so he can be ruler of the world. Sad sad shit to place hope in conspiracies such as these.

    TK give me a break dude. 10 minutes is all I need.
    Clearly you're saying the Bush-led government would NEVER be corrupted enough to advance it's own fucked up agenda at all costs.

    Nice to see you have such faith in our infallable government.

    And shove the Holocaust theory directy up your ass. Don't lump people who question the government's possible participation in 9/11 with lunatics. There are very valid questions raised by the likes of people who believe the government might've had something to do with 9/11. Maybe an amazing set of coincidences all happened at the perfect times to enable 9/11 to happen, and maybe they were helped to happen. We don't know yet. But don't be so stupid as to close your eyes and ears to it and be selectively oblivious.

    What about W's presidency has made you so absolutely sure about his unshaking loyalty to the American people and the world?

  10. #10
    Glenn's Avatar
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    TK, did you ever end up watching Fahrenheit 9/11?
    Find a new slant.

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