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Thread: Rd 2: Miami (2) vs. NJ Nets (3), Heat win series 4-1

  1. #1

    Rd 2: Miami (2) vs. NJ Nets (3), Heat win series 4-1


    Duane Wade re-injures himself, Shaq gets tired from running and the Nets win in 6 and face us in the ECF. Pretty much how I see it.

    Should be a great ECF no matter if it's the Nets or Heat.

    Round 2 Schedule

    1. Mon, May 8 – at Miami, 8:00 pm EDT (TNT)
    2. Wed, May 10 – at Miami, 8:00 pm EDT (TNT)
    3. Fri, May 12 – at New Jersey, 8:00 pm EDT (ESPN)
    4. Sun, May 14 – at New Jersey
    5.* Tue, May 16 – at Miami, 8:00 pm EDT (TNT)
    6.* Thu, May 18 – at New Jersey, 8:00 pm EDT (ESPN)
    7.* Sun, May 21 – at Miami
    Last edited by Matt; 05-08-2006 at 06:22 PM. Reason: added series info

  2. #2

    Kidd is really the leading rebounder for the Nets?

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I think the big key to NJ winning this series is how aggressive they take it to the basket, and how durable they can be.

    If they take the ball to the hoop, they'll have a good chance of getting Snaq in foul trouble, and the Bulls just showed how effective that can be when you are trying to beat the Heat. The Bulls just weren't good enough to pull it off.

    I think if the Nets play the same way the Bulls did they'll have a shot, because they have the slashing/swing players to seal the deal. Of course, the Bulls also hit a ton of threes, and the Nets won't be doing that IMO.

    Will Kristic be able to knock down his jumper and pull Snaq away from the rim?

    Should be an interesting, albeit sickening, series to watch.
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    i think NJ can win this. Miami doesn't have the defenders to slow down Vince and RJ. i think Vince averaged like 38.5ppg vs the heat during the regular season. that seemed to be the problem w/ the bulls. they just didn't have the firepower to attack the heat.

    i think i picked Miami to win it in the playoff contest, but i really think this will be close and the Nets can handle them.

  5. #5
    Isn't it hilarious that teams get huge guys just to battle Shaq and the first two teams the Heat play in the playoffs are teams with almost zero post presence who simply run past, around, and through them?

  6. #6
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Might be fun to add a poll to this to see who everyone thinks will win.

    I'm like Matt. I picked the Heat in my bracket, but I'm sort of leaning towards NJ right now, even if they didn't put away Indy as easily as I thought they would.

    The Heat were even less impressive, IMO.
    Find a new slant.

  7. #7
    The Nets have had pretty good success against Shaq this season. They play him one on one with Collins.

    For all of the Nets shortcomings Jason Kidd is just so damn good at making you think they actually have a team. The Heat are kind of similar in respect that they really suck as a team but somehow they pull it off as if they are a good elite team.

    I heard Mahorn say on the radio the other day that this friend of his in Miami says that the Heat are the worst team at what they do. Really wasn't sure what he ways saying but I take it as what I said above.

  8. #8
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
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    hmmm the nets could only beat the pacers w/o peja. the heat had trouble with the perimeter play and defense of the bulls. i think it goes 5 games with a heat win. NJ defense is a sham of a lie(the bulls play much better defense than them IMO). They can't stop wade. They wont slow shaq down. And they dont move the ball around enough to rattle the heat after Kidd.

    The heat are overrated on defense too. but not as much as jersey. they cant stop carter on the perimeter, unlike jersey they got a couple guys to make up for it on help out. VC can dunk on mourning. but more often than not mourning will alter and block his shot. the only way the nets push this one is if kristic averages 20+ points a game in the series.
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  9. #9
    Rors, after reading your prediction on the Jersey series I called my bookie and laid everything on the Nets. I mean given your prognastication history and all.

    Suns in 4. this is a joke matchup. I expect the Suns to push for 160 while kobe is pushing for 60.

  10. #10
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gecko
    Rors, after reading your prediction on the Jersey series I called my bookie and laid everything on the Nets. I mean given your prognastication history and all.

    Suns in 4. this is a joke matchup. I expect the Suns to push for 160 while kobe is pushing for 60.
    i based it on something. nice try though. i'd never give you a prediction without depending factors. not that naive. sorry.

    kobe tried to go for 60 (came up 10 short) and they lost. sticks to what i said. and no one here predicted phil jackson getting him to stick to the gameplan this long. no one person saw that coming including d'antoni's dumbass. i gave you reasons i figure the heat to win. but thats depending on kristic. if he explodes the nets have a shot. but if he doesnt and odds are that shaq will wear him and his mediocre frontline buddies down. cliff robinson could be a factor too, but he's more streaky that walker and his hot streaks are coming fewer and farther in between. VC is gonna try to outscore wade, but wade has no resistence the paint at all. VC has to try and dunk on Zo and Shaq all series.

    if theres any change i'll make, it would be that jeffersons defense will have to be better than letting walker go to the hole all day like the bulls did. but shit sell your mortgage on the nets. just dont blame me when Jimmy the finger breaker the loan shark owns your crib.
    Stalked by a Mod who gives 1 percent credence.

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