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Thread: Being Sick (Stories and Remedies)

  1. #1

    Being Sick (Stories and Remedies)

    You may of noticed that my postings are up quite a bit this week, the reason = I am sick with the Flu. I have been home for the past 3 days trying to get over it. My son is now in daycare and this is the third time I have had a cold or virus in the past month. My son has bronchitis himself and had to go the the ER last night for breathing treatments. He's doin better than me.

    Anyways, who here has gotten bit by the flu or the cold here the past few months what were your symptoms and what remedies do you have to pass along. (Can you see I am getting bored here now?)

    Mine = Started with Sore throat then woke up the next day feeling like a train hit me. Body aches, chills and a nose stuffed up with this thick thick yellow mucous which makes my head want to explode. Hot showers really help to loosen it up. Oh I have had a slight fever, my ears are ringing and have been waking up at 4 am with a nasty cough.

    Treatment = no time for Dr. so just been taking Tylenol cold medicine and Robutussin DM.

  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gecko
    You may of noticed that my postings are up quite a bit this week, the reason = I am sick with the Flu. I have been home for the past 3 days trying to get over it. My son is now in daycare and this is the third time I have had a cold or virus in the past month. My son has bronchitis himself and had to go the the ER last night for breathing treatments. He's doin better than me.

    Anyways, who here has gotten bit by the flu or the cold here the past few months what were your symptoms and what remedies do you have to pass along. (Can you see I am getting bored here now?)

    Mine = Started with Sore throat then woke up the next day feeling like a train hit me. Body aches, chills and a nose stuffed up with this thick thick yellow mucous which makes my head want to explode. Hot showers really help to loosen it up. Oh I have had a slight fever, my ears are ringing and have been waking up at 4 am with a nasty cough.

    Treatment = no time for Dr. so just been taking Tylenol cold medicine and Robutussin DM.
    I've had what you've got, actually I still have a little of it lingering (sinus infection, cough, bronchitis).

    I got a Z-Pack (Zithromax, and antibiotic) from the doc, and that helped quite a bit, especially with the fever. He also gave me some cough syrup with Codeine that knocks my ass out and allows me to sleep.

    My son's been through the same thing as yours, (ER, breathing treatments).

    This cough I have now has been lingering for about 1.5 months now, and my head hurts everytime I cough.

    More sleep would probably help, as would a trip to the doc, but in a pinch, if you know somebody that can write you a prescription (a friend that is a doc or a P.A.) that works too.
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    Shugadaddi's Avatar
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    Man...do I feel your pain. I got smacked with the same nonsense about 3 weeks ago. One day I felt fine, and the next morning I was in the gutter.

    My routine for a cold/ flu is pretty much the same: Cambell's Chicken Noodle Soup, lot's of water and juice, about 2000mgs of Vitamin C tablets and as much sleep as I can muster. I will, however, say that this last one really knocked me on my ass. This was actually the first time in 32 years of being on this earth that I actually went to see the doctor. The doctor hooked me up big time.

    If the doctor is out of the question, and you're looking to sleep, I highly suggest Thera-flu. That shit will knock you the f*** out!

    Feel better, man.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    I've had what you've got, actually I still have a little of it lingering (sinus infection, cough, bronchitis).

    I got a Z-Pack (Zithromax, and antibiotic) from the doc, and that helped quite a bit, especially with the fever. He also gave me some cough syrup with Codeine that knocks my ass out and allows me to sleep.

    My son's been through the same thing as yours, (ER, breathing treatments).

    This cough I have now has been lingering for about 1.5 months now, and my head hurts everytime I cough.

    More sleep would probably help, as would a trip to the doc, but in a pinch, if you know somebody that can write you a prescription (a friend that is a doc or a P.A.) that works too.
    Last year had something similar and I swear it lingered on for 3 months at least. Once you get a sinus infection they seem hard to root out. I hope I have better luck than you this time around lol.

  5. #5
    ojay's Avatar
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    I've just had the flu twice within the last 2 months and I got it pretty much down to a science to not let it severely affect my life. I'm an asthmatic as well and sometimes it brings it back up.

    I'm not one to take Rx antibiotics like Z-Pak unless I feel SHITTY beyond belief, but here:

    "Curing Cough Tea" - available from an Asian grocery store, a cup a day seems to make me stop barking for 24 hours
    At least 500mg of a painkiller every 4 hours (free Tylonel from the hospital )
    10+ hours of sleep if you can
    Vicks vapor rub if I have some laying around
    Robotussin DM for cough every 4 hours as well
    My inhaler handy
    Soup when you feel like shit
    And bottled water/gatorade during the day to keep drinking fluids


  6. #6
    No flu, here. It's beautiful weather, wearing a teeshirt and flip flops.

    Wow, can it get any better than this??

    For sickness, especiaally the flu, living in an area that's cold and damp must suck. Me, I like to sit outside in the warm sun and catch me some Vitamin D. Staying inside, all bottled up, is the WORST thing you can do.

    Get some fresh air.
    Last edited by DennyMcLain; 04-26-2006 at 03:58 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Gecko
    You may of noticed that my postings are up quite a bit this week, the reason = I am sick with the Flu. I have been home for the past 3 days trying to get over it. My son is now in daycare and this is the third time I have had a cold or virus in the past month. My son has bronchitis himself and had to go the the ER last night for breathing treatments. He's doin better than me.

    Anyways, who here has gotten bit by the flu or the cold here the past few months what were your symptoms and what remedies do you have to pass along. (Can you see I am getting bored here now?)

    Mine = Started with Sore throat then woke up the next day feeling like a train hit me. Body aches, chills and a nose stuffed up with this thick thick yellow mucous which makes my head want to explode. Hot showers really help to loosen it up. Oh I have had a slight fever, my ears are ringing and have been waking up at 4 am with a nasty cough.

    Treatment = no time for Dr. so just been taking Tylenol cold medicine and Robutussin DM.
    I had the flu early last month.

  8. #8
    Shit. My familys been hit hard with the flu, and so far, my mom has had it for a month so far,,,

  9. #9
    If your child is sick then that sucks. I wish a speedy recovery.

    But the rest of you need to suck it up and stop whining.

    You got the flu? Big fucking deal.

    Lace your boots up tight and go about your business.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Gecko
    Mine = Started with Sore throat then woke up the next day feeling like a train hit me. Body aches, chills and a nose stuffed up with this thick thick yellow mucous which makes my head want to explode. Hot showers really help to loosen it up. Oh I have had a slight fever, my ears are ringing and have been waking up at 4 am with a nasty cough.
    Hope your kid feels better soon, but what you got there ain't the flu. Here's the symptoms of the flu I had last year:

    1. Wake up puking all over the bed.

    2. While trying to clean up the mess, run to the bathroom to puke more.

    3. Return to the bedroom, shaking, barely able to stand, miraculously wrap up all the blankets without puking even more, amble over to the washer, and toss it all in. Yell at the wife to do the wash.

    4. Collapse on the bed.

    5. 3 minutes later, run to the bathroom. Puke more. Get mad at God for being completely unable to control your bowels while you puke on the toilet and shit all over the floor.

    6. Flush.

    7. Open up the bathroom door just wide enough for the wife to pass a bucket, mop, and the remainder of the toilet paper through.

    8. Clean.

    9. Panic as you feel it all coming back. Make a snap decision to use the toilet to catch the puke instead of the ass product.

    10. Puke/shit more.

    11. Clean.

    12. Get a massive glass of water, because now you're more thirsty than you ever have been before in your entire life.

    13. Gulp water down with fury.

    14. Puke it all back up whilst shitting all over the floor again.

    15. Clean.

    16. Slap yourself on the head for not earlier realizing you could just sit on the toilet and puke in the bucket.

    17. Attempt to do this.

    18. Pass out.

    19. Wake up to the bathroom door slamming into your head as your wife tries to barge her way into the bathroom to investigate the loud crashing sound.

    20. Realize you're bleeding because when you passed out, you slammed your forehead directly into the doorhandle and dragged your face along the door until your head hit the floor.

    21. Tell your wife to call her dad so he can pick your fatass up and drive you to the ER.

    22. Arrive at the ER.

    23. While sitting on a wheelchair in the lobby, in front of about 35 people, puke on your lap and shit your pants.

    24. Pass out again.

    25. Wake up to the pain of some fucking retarded intern unsuccessfully trying to jam an IV into your arm. 6 times.

    26. Watch in amazement as she tries again on the other side, and fails.

    27. Wonder where your pants went.

    28. Thank God that you haven't puked in the past half hour.

    29. Puke again. Remind yourself to go to church.

    30. 3 hours and 2 1/2 litres of interveinous fluid later, emerge from the hospital feeling like a truck just ran over you, wearing oversized hospital scrubs.

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