at some point before the playoffs the pistons are going to have to play different.

Truth be told I like the way they play right now, and the record does speak volumes. It's amazing the pistons have won as much as they have playing the style they're playing. It's completely unexpected and very effective... for now. No one on the team is really taking any chances at getting injured, which also a very good thing. the competition is going to be forced to guard positions 1-4 all the way to three point line becuase of how well they have shown they can shoot, and that's a very good thing too.

however, when was the last time you saw a piston take a charge?

how about the last time Sheed dominated in the post?

have the pistons switched up their defense at all so far this year?

I'm just saying what everyone already knows. The pistons are not playing pistons basketball, they aren't playing PLAYOFF basketball. At some point they're going to have to start playing tough defense again, because in the playoffs this style doesn't tend to get championships.

However for the time being, I'm cool with this. Let Rasheed shoot three's all day, he stays healthy and we get wins so what's not to love. I don't think I want to see any pistons diving for lose balls, taking charges or anything until they need to get ready for the playoffs.