I am a Slavic Orthodox Christian of noble birth. I am interested in art and music in particular. Perhaps the most important thing to say about myself on this site is that I reject the modernist plebeian autonomous aesthetics with its “art for the sake of art” (in fact, "art for the sake of the destruction of traditional society pretending to be art").
Aesthetics are only part of a higher degree - ethics. Art is needed for the emotional service of morals and people, and good art is good service. Therefore, I reject all plebeian aesthetic canons established in the 18th-19th centuries and prefer the traditional, above-mentioned view of art. Golden canon instead of experiments for the sake of experiments, order instead of chaos, mimesis instead of degenerative abstraction, beauty and emotionality instead of cold and detached pseudo-complexity, seriousness and partly sentimentality instead of annoying tasteless irony, aesthetic value of the composition instead of the artist’s personality / self-expression, the melody instead of a set of unusually structured sounds, necessary in some cases emotional pomp instead of the philistine cult of moderation for the sake of moderation.
Music is no exception - traditional western harmonies and beautiful melodies instead of experiments with sound and rhythm. I am a supporter of the musical hierarchy, I think that some styles / genres are superior and some degenerate by themselves. Despite this / because of this (which you prefer) I try to be as objective as possible when I rate records, minimizing the subjective factor, although not always possible. Proceeding from this, I adhere to the simple rule “just as the things that we intuitively like are really good, and the fact that we don’t like it doesn’t mean that it’s bad,” which has ethical-aesthetic roots.
I also appreciate the mainstream above the underground, because the mainstream, despite all its flaws and simplifications, historically have much more in common with traditional noble culture than the underground, which grew out of degenerative cancerous ideas of XVIII-XIX centuries, especially marxist ones. So, my rule is “Very many things in the mainstream are bad, but all really good things are necessarily in the mainstream”. All the good stuff that is in the underground sooner or later goes to the mainstream, and in a better way. In a sense, I have a Tolstoyan view of art (but only on art, otherwise Tolstoy is not my cup of tea). Truly ingenious things always strive for simplicity and accessibility, even if they are difficult to perform - to consolidate their position in culture. Mediocrity is always trying to confuse, "experiment", shock, destroy, talk about "progress" and "originality" - in order to disguise the lack of real talent.
Based on this, my assessments may not always coincide with the canons of RYM, which adhere to the philistine modernist / postmodern aesthetics purely intuitively. Those, for example, I put high ratings to the avant-garde only in an ironic context and I can consider as true art what the philistines call the blurry and ridiculous word "cheesy" or "kitsch" (an attempt to recreate traditional art).

P.S. English grammar is a terrifying thing, especially when you are not a native speaker. Perhaps this is not the best excuse, but ... i have no other.
But in general, it is good not to be a native speaker of English - it is much easier for me to focus on the music itself (which is my goal) and to separate the music/vocal perfomance from the lyrics. Most of my ratings are set in accordance with this feature, with rare exceptions.
I almost never care about lyrics, because in most songs, lyrics and poetry range from banal to damn terrible (even in "deep" songs) - the song format, by definition, can not contain something even remotely interesting to an educated person. In my reviews, I will rarely mention the lyrics - only if it is ridiculously awful and contrasts with, in general, good musicality of the whole song.

P.S.S. And simple chain in the end. Autonomous aesthetics is a myth of Enlightenment and Romanticism, it does not exist. Good taste in art is a moral quality. The highest morality is Christian. Therefore, the anti-Christian has a shitty taste by definition.