Quote Originally Posted by Pharaoh View Post
It's smart for every team to use advanced stats...

if the majority of the league is doing it and you're not you're at a disadvantage, regardless of how much stock you put in the data.

It will be interesting to see how far down the rabbit hole the Grizz will go now they have someone in the Advanced Stats department...
eh, i don't know that it wouldn't just be a waste of money for LA, NY and Miami.
Do you really need advanced numbers to tell you that signing LeBron, Wade and Bosh is a good idea?
If you don't give a fuck flying fuck about luxury tax does it really matter if the 9th man is just as productive for 2 million as someone who coulda been got with 1 million?

I mean, don't get me wrong, i don't think it'd hurt anybody. Yet for a team like the Grizzlies it definitely makes more sense to focus even more on that. Kinda like the Oakland Athletics (if you haven't seen Moneyball, I recommend it).