Quote Originally Posted by bukdow View Post
To a degree, yes. When the government promises more than it can provide (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc.) serious problems arise. Nobody is saying do away with the aforementioned programs. However, a serious overhaul is required. At some point we must start dealing with reality before it deals with us.
See this is where you lose me. I won't even get into Greece, where it still wasn't the case. But let's talk about Spain which I know very, very well. Entitlements had nothing to do with Spain's problem. Not at all. Nothing. Hell, government spending itself had nothing to do with the current problem in Spain.

Maybe it's a global trend but we love to throw shit around in the US to prove out points. And this isn't even liberal vs. conservative. Both sides pull this bullshit. It's like the framing of the argument is more important than the substance itself.