Realistic ideas only please.

Here are some of mine.

Please please don't overpay Stuckey and Jonas. No more than 6.5 starting for stuck please.

Ben Gordon for Beasley and Luke Ridnour. I have absolutely no interest in Ridnour, but his salary is small and ends the same year as BenGo and they just arent going to help us out like that with no picks.

Keep Rip for a season and start him at SG. I think a vet with Knight who can get him assists will help. stuck will play both guard spots and be the closer at SG. Rip will get us a nice asset as an expiring the following season.

If there is amnesty, get rid of CV. He is Beasley with more outside chucking.

Do not S&T Tay unless we get an expiring, or a 2 year expiring with a pick.