a) No, he doesn't. Prince could have been a distributor, though, as he has the highest bball IQ on the team. The guy is certainly capable of playing point-forward, but has shown reluctance in the past. It'd be much easier if he had been willing, though, because we could have run lineups of Gordon/Hamilton/Prince (just like we should have gone with Gordon/Hamilton/McGrady). Which, again, is a main point of this thread that you seem to be missing. We have talent AND a glut at SG, but there are/were ways around it, both via play calling and rotation decisions. However, and sadly, both Prince and McGrady are going to be gone this year and we can't go with those sets.
I'm not attacking Prince. I watched him play many games, and he's never been more assertive on offense. Which should be a good thing as he's versatile as hell offensively, and always has been. But he also held onto the ball a lot and didn't contribute to an atmosphere of spreading the ball around and making the extra pass.

Understand that I don't have to be polarized and either praise or attack players. Stuckey's not by boy any less than Tayshaun is, and neither are wholly on my shit list.

b) Yes! Yes he was! and I'm talking about using him properly again! and all I intended to speak in regards to Stuckey was that I'm hoping a new coach and offense could hardwire him to use Hamilton properly! Clearly, you don't think so. I think it's within the realm of possibilities that Stuckey could dribble around the top of the key without turning the ball over in time for either Gordon or Hamilton to get open.
and I've already pointed out that his per36 stats last year were identical to his career stats. We're talking about one of the best conditioned athletes in the game with an ageless skill-set. If he were given minutes, he'd be the same old Rip. Life doesn't end at 33.

c) LOL. UMad.

d) What? Being able to draw fouls and covert at a high clip is an inherently good thing. You'd call the same thing "savvy" if you saw Kobe or Pierce doing it. and it's not true that today's game is dominated by point guards? What?

e) I'm only immediately concerned with him being able to find teammates better. I'm only talking about Rodney Stuckey because you are. I understand that there are 12-14 other players on the roster come opening day.

f) Yes, they can. Hamilton could play SF. Gordon could play PG. Point-forwards exist.

g) There isn't a better PG option on the roster anymore (talking about Prince and McGrady). I'm hoping we can make do with what we have.

You're funny.