IF Hart wrestles it will be vs Vince McMahon at Mania so Bret can get his "revenge" after what happened in Montreal, 1997.

Not long after Bill Goldberg legit kicked him in the head, which gave him the concussion that forced him to retire Hart suffered a stroke. Obviously it was years ago but the dude ain't getting any younger.

One last match may be what he wants. Or maybe Owen Hart goes into the Hall of Fame? I know WWE is doing a DVD on the Hart Foundation and since Bret and Jim Neidhart are the only 2 dudes alive part of Bret's deal might have been to oversee that?

Hart has always said he wants to preserve his legacy - and that means not pissing Vince McMahon off and every now and then working with Vince on certain things.

You gotta admit though - Hart appearing on RAW on January 4th would be a pretty big deal. And it can be easily accomplished:

The Hart Dynasty become the new #1 contenders to the Unified Tag titles on any Smackdown prior to January 4th.

On the January 4th RAW DX defend the tag belts against some bums and after DX win the Hart Dynasty come out onto the stage to issue their challenge...

Then they introduce their "Mentor" - Bret Hitman Hart!!! Crowd would go crazy, even though Hart would technically be the heel.

Then at the Rumble Bret helps the Hart Dynsaty win the tag belts (does something to Shawn Michaels which makes him get pinned) HHH and Shawn have heated words after the title loss and later that night HHH gets eliminated from the Rumble by Shawn.

On the next RAW HHH and Shawn have words/Vince blasts Hart for interfering in the tag match and costing HHH a title (it's already been acknowledged that HHH is Vince's son-in-law)

Hart tells Vince to go away. Vince gets in his face and is spewing all kinds of shit about Bret being past it, says something like "I should wheel you out the back and shoot you like a lame elephant" - which is something similar to a comment Hart said in the 'Wrestling with Shadows" thing.

Bret knocks Vince the fuck out. Some weeks later Vince can be in the ring trashing some other old timer (could be Jim Neidhart simply to keep the thing connected) when Bret comes out again. Vince calls for security but Hart just says he's there to issue a challenge. WrestleMania. Vince v Bret. The first and last time.

Obviously Vince accepts and it's on. Meanwhile...

At No Way Out Shawn Michaels would win the World Title in the Elimination Chamber and then go on to face HHH at Mania after DX breaks up and HHH goes back to being heel. HHH would pin Shawn to take the title but it wouldn't/shouldn't be the Main Event.

The Main Event would be John Cena v Undertaker in the other World Title match after Cena wins the Rumble. Can Cena pin Taker and end the streak?

Those 3 matches would certainly help WWE counter the UFC PPV in the same month and the Hart v Vince thing might actually get some old viewers back.

And if the ball got rolling on January 4th no one would be talking about TNA going head to head with RAW - all the talk would be about Bret Hart being back on RAW.