Normally, I wouldn't care about the House passing such a wasteful, (new CBO numbers project 3 trillion+) and partisan bill, because I would know that it will be the end of the Democratic-controlled Congress in 2010 (over 40 Dems in the House represent R+1+ Districts).

However, I find it very distrubing that there is fedral funded abortion in this thing. Although I consider myself "pro-life", I also have the realist view that it's highly unlikely that Roe v. Wade will ever be overturned (unless it were to be up to the people via a ballot proposal, which again is highly unlikely to ever happen)-- so that said, I know abortion will still take place in America for the coming decades, but under no circumstances should taxpayer dollars be used to fund the procedure.

There is no tort reform in this bill (since the ppl who write these things are lawyers) and the MediCare costs are pretty astounding.

I don't think Pelosi has the votes, but if she does, then there will be many "Blue Dogs" who will be out of a job next November. Especially when you consider Obamacare wouldn't start until 2014.

That's my opinion.