Dan Wetzel writes some pretty good stuff at Yahoo taking players, owners and morons to task about the shit they do. I believe he was the first to bash Lebron for not shaking hands.

Anyway, here's part of an article up right now about The Clippers' owner regarding some settled lawsuits.

Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wetzel
Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling agreed to pay $2.73 million this week to settle a federal case alleging he discriminated in the rental of apartments he owns with his wife in Southern California.
The settlement is “the largest monetary payment ever obtained” by the U.S. Justice Department, according to a news release from the organization.

It stems from allegations Sterling’s company targeted and discriminated against blacks, Hispanics and families with children in renting apartments in greater Los Angeles. The settlement must still be approved by a federal judge but should also resolve two additional tenant-filed suits alleging racial discrimination.

“The magnitude of this settlement should send a message to all landlords that we will vigorously pursue violations of the Fair Housing Act,” said Thomas E. Perez, the assistant attorney general for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.

What the magnitude of this settlement should have done is create a wave of questions and condemnations of Donald Sterling from across the NBA.
Instead, most incredibly, there hasn’t been a lick of public discussion.

The NBA said it has no plans to investigate or comment, according to a spokesman. Other owners have been silent. The NBA Player’s Association has had no reaction and did not respond to messages. The players themselves have, best I can find, said nothing.

The media, which just last month went full force on the story of Rush Limbaugh becoming part of a potential NFL ownership group, has mostly ignored the deal.

So, where’s the outrage?

If I could remember how to post links I would.