Quote Originally Posted by Zip Goshboots
Oklahoma came out in the second half and just took control. Manny Harris was in foul trouble throughout, and Douglas/Novak were simply outmatched. What UM managed to do in that game, though, is still pretty incredible. They forced Oklahoma to play at UM's pace. One more good body in there, to either bang on Griffin or a true PG to take the pressure off the rest of the guys (who simply should not be ball handlers), and the outcome might very well have been different.
At one point late in the game UM cut the lead from about a consistent 10-12 down to 58-53, but there was just no getting over "the hump". There was a pretty solid disparity in fouls called (23-13 overall in Oklahoma's favor--meaning they had the 13), but us Basketball Experts know that wehn you play aggressively and go inside and BANG, you get the benefit of the calls.
Griffin got his ass kicked. He had a plug up his nose and a big bandage on his left elbow for much of the game, but the talent gap was huge, and the way the two teams played exploited it more. Oklahoma is just good at the "inside-outside" game. UM, as we all know, better rain down three pointers or it's lights out. I'll tells ya, Anthony Wright scored 12 inexplicable points in the first half when Harris went out with two fouls five minutes in, and that kept UM close.
Detroit basketball fans are not familiar with basketball players who can actually dribble and attack the basket, instead of settling for jumpers. That's why on this board there is so much animosity towards Dwyane Wade and LeBron James; because Piston fans are stuck with generic, one-dimensional, jump-shooting, no defense guards such as Rip. Maybe when they get a guard who can actually dribble and attack the basket, then they may appreciate an occasional trip to the stripe.