hey seasons over nothing to fucking do now other then to wait for articles about possible draft picks and trade rumors. might as well start some trades.

1. sheed/maxiell/#29 for rudy gay, brian cardinal(contract match), and the #5..gays their future sure, but they get a fucking good front court with their point guards...hehe

then we trade rip and the #5 for boozer


2. rip hamilton/maxiell for coreymagette and the #7

with the 7th we draft DeAndre Jordan. dudes a fuckinb east

then we trade sheedthe 29 for dan gadzuric/charlie v/desmond mason and the 8.

draft eric gordon with that pick

This is kinda of for the future because jordans suppose to be the next dwight type of player.

Corey Magette/Eric Gordon
Tay/Desmon Mason
Charlie V/Dice/Amir

i doubt we could snag the pick off the bucks but who knows....