OK, this is maybe the most retarded thread ever. I get called out for disappearing when U-M is 0-2, coming back to the jerk off fest when they win 2 in a row are talking junk about Tre in the Spartan thread.

First off-I was here when Michigan was getting shredded and said what changes needed to be made. I haven't been on as regularly due to doing a frickin' million things for my wedding next weekend and my new addiction to other sites (myspace). When Michigan beat weak-ass ND I came on and said what I liked about Mallett and how much better than Claussen he is, and hyped Mike Hart as maybe the greatest Wolverine ever. Never said a thing about U-M being "back" at all. Don't ever remember talking junk about Tre other than saying the age old arguement that he tries to "cover himself" before possible losses, downplay Sparty losses, and hype "huge" wins. Same thing all the Saginaw cats have been saying for years. WTF?

And I'm sick of the "Wal-Mart" Wolverine comments. That is just retarded. How can you say that? Do you have any connection to the Pistons? How about the Tigers? Or the Lions? Or the Red wings? Do you have any connection to them? NO! But they are your team, you are a fan, and you root for them. Same thing with Michigan/MSU. Sure, it's great if you are an alum, but not everyone goes to Michigan or Michigan State for many reasons, and because of that, you're saying that you can't root for them? Idiotic arguement.